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Rachel Cherie

I am here for Friends

About Me

ello love. here i am. actually i am chillin in a hammock on the beach in costa rica with logan and his dad with sweet island cocktails and a peace pipe. I also like to chill with my cats with catnip valerian tea. ANYway. right at this point in my life I'm just chillin, enjoying life with people i love. I believe in living in the present moment, being happy about the simple things in life.**CLICK below picture for UBER never before seen picture gallery**......eep..!

My Interests

Oh, a good cup of tea - thats all i need. smoothies deserve high fives as well. into holistic healing + organics, veganism, forests, buddhism, street art, macs, blogs, body mods, serotonin manipulation maybe a little dopamine, clean tasty water, blood and honey, Neptunes Underworld, Finish Fashion, Mysteries of Tarot Symbolism, mom & pop indie culture!!!!!, crazy horse original french preformances, traveling, indigenous cultures, anthropology, neurochemistry, The Vegas, Burlesque, fire fleshing Carnivale kids, la vie boheme!//blog///....eep3

I'd like to meet:

the people i surround myself with must be honest people with good vibes. no drama appreciation here. Im just a hippie at heart and get along with groovy chill peeps, who i thankfully stumble into in most corners of the earth.::::::UBER awesomeness:::::::::::Eccentricity:::::::::::::Photo Blogger:::::View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


all time favs are: brights eyes, placebo, radiohead, nine inch nails, bob dylan, the doors, oasis, ben harper & the innocent criminals.lately ive been listening to: Gorillaz, N.W.A., Sublime, Bob Marley, the beatles, DJ Shadow.recent household songs: can i kick it? - tribe called quest get it together - beastie boys


SEX & THE CITYRecent/Upcoming Goodies: science of sleep. Across the Universe. the darjeeling limited. i'm not there. juno. wristcutters. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.some of my collection: almost famous, altered states, amelie, american history x, american psycho, the ballad of jack and rose, bande a part, batman begins, battle royale, blow, broken flowers, children of men, chungking express, a clockwork orange, cruel intentions, dazed and confused, donnnie darko, the doom generation, the doors, the dreamers, edward scissorhands, fear and loathing in las vegas, fight club, frankenweenie, garden state, harold & maude, hook, igby goes down, interview with the vampire, kinsey, kiss kiss bang bang, labyrinth, little miss sunshine, midnight sleazy train, mirror mask, pan's labyrinth, party monster, pi, pulp fiction, queen of the damned, quills, requiem for a dream, romeo and juliet (1996), the rules of attraction, rushmore, secretary, shortbus, slc punk, sleepy hollow, smoking aces, two brothers, trainspotting, vincent, waking life, walk the line, what the bleep do we know!?, zazel, zoolander.


weeds. the girls next door. nip/tuck.that 70s show. freaks and geeks. the oc.the l word. fastlane. sex and the city. the tribe.buffy the vampire slayer. dharma and greg. saved by the bell. tales from the crypt.


http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/576823i currently have out from the library, against the stream-noah levine, plants of the gods: their sacred healing, and hallucinogenic powers-hofmann+shultes, and THE NEW GRAPHIC NOVEL edition of neil gaiman's Neverwhere.


my sweets and i. we are resilient against the worlds bullshit. we are fucking rad.
Originally uploaded by r_cherie


My Blog

phone is back on

phones are slick as is the outside floor due to the massive amounts of rain. i swear a week of seattle weather would clear up arizonas yearslong drought..honesty integrity the only things a man holds ...
Posted by Rachel Cherie on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 04:38:00 PST

why i hate seattle

Posted by Rachel Cherie on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 08:58:00 PST

i’ve stopped smoking, but...

i REALLy love cloves!!! and I have a slick black lighter and a djarum black in front of me. damn smoking. seriously i dont know if i want to commit to it or not. it kinda goes along with the party lif...
Posted by Rachel Cherie on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 10:01:00 PST

my favourite Beatles songs, yours?

This like the ultimate best question. my results are listed in semi-specific order. sorta.Mine are:Come Togetheri am the walrusBallad of John and Yokoi'm only sleepingpenny laneall you need is lovehel...
Posted by Rachel Cherie on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 12:02:00 PST

meet the world. thru their flags.

Posted by Rachel Cherie on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 10:09:00 PST

let the prophets choke you on your way to a higher path

when i get bored i gage the hell outta my skin. simple as that. a lot more functionally normal than other body modifications and its progress.. track of time. just did my second holes up from normal s...
Posted by Rachel Cherie on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 08:40:00 PST

tis the season

doesnt it look like the flesh of gods? hmm. Everyone should experience Seattle Shroom Season. Thats when you start eating mushrooms like french fries and your teeth turn bluethats when you take half a...
Posted by Rachel Cherie on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 01:11:00 PST

moving to cali

the system pushes us down and trys to destroy us!!nothing in life is guaranteed. neither is a job. neither is our legal system.Thart fancy Gene Juarez job - the best job of my career - the whole reaso...
Posted by Rachel Cherie on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 01:14:00 PST


see here?! if you saw the notes you would understand. its showing you how to (on iphone) choose edit adjust and buy ringtones from itunes !!!!!!!!!ultra. nerd...
Posted by Rachel Cherie on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 11:04:00 PST

mind manipulation of desktop

Posted by Rachel Cherie on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 11:01:00 PST