My beautiful children who never fail to make me laugh right when I need it most and will always be my best friends! Capturing the beauty, emotion and intensity of life with Photography and writing, the beach. El matador at sunset as the waves slowly meet the cliffs. Design of all sorts and making pretty things.
Shopping and clubbing LA style. Mickey's on santa monica blvd. Ispiring!! Trader joes vegan sushi rolls with fresh spinach. I mean no one else does that. They rock!!! "The Industry", Living life to the fullest, pain and all. Making memories,Love, Life and eternity!
Hmmmm. No psychos please!! That was just another disclosure in case there happens to be someone I reject as a friend or ignore. It probably means I think you're a psycho.. just kidding. Really it probably means that i'm running around liberty park with my kids eating snowcones and don't ever check my emails. So Sorry in advance. And on that same note just because the computer thinks i'm logged in it doesn't mean i'm within 5000 feet of it so don't be shocked when I don't respond for 10 hours because it just means I forget to log off.
Loyalty is huge to me. If you make a promise or commitment you keep it. Period...NO Flaky people! (they seriously piss me off)
Life has enough pain and drama without people adding more so chill the fuck out people (pardon my lingo) but obviously I feel strongly about the subject.
And for all the people who like to pretend they're perfect while passing judgement on others lives or choices, I feel pitty for who you will be in 30 years when it's only you and your choices to answer to. Not so perfect, huh? Yeah and neither are the rest of us.
Hip Hop. House. rabbit in the moon. Old-school punk and ska st.louis style. Old skool underground techno at 4 a.m. or pretty much anything hard that I can dance my ass off combichrist
Indigo Girls. Sarah McLaughlin. TOOL. Tribe called Quest. Tricky. Danzig (black acid devil!!) Les Miserable. Phantom. Newsies. Church hymns... don't laugh, they seriously make me cry!! Just about everything else in between. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Less than Zero. What the bleep. the Secret. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Closer. The Doors. Harold and Maude. Savannah Smiles. True Romance. Sid and Nancy. Chasing Amy. Pulp Fiction.
The Sweetest Thing.
And i'm soooooo stoked that they're making my favorite Augusten Burroughs book, Running with scissors, into a movie. It's the kind of story that makes you glad you're family is only a little fucked up compared to his.Still photographs of "Chasing Amy" Image 2 of 5
If ever I had two seconds to watch T.V i'd have to say my good old favorites are HGTV, TLC, Discovery channel, History channel, and of course watching people get sliced open for the end result of Beauty. There is nothing better. But when life is happening who has time for T.V?
Augusten Burroughs and his catholic priest blow job stories. Memoirs. Photography Random motivational books on CD. Fashion. Interior design. Anything but fiction. My kids and I are Barnes and noble Junkies. It's a very expensive addiction but well worth it.
Jesus Christ for redeeming us all, my sweet babies both Living and future. My little sister rachael for overcoming adversity like a champion and staying true through it all, I'm proud of you princess!
Bob the tomato and larry the cucumber for teaching the gospel with style. You guys rock!!!
My future husband for putting up with all manor of randomness from me...