ILLSON profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

well let me start off by saying that i like to make an ass of myself. im constantly goofing around and being way too over sarcastic. im just a big kid. as you can see i definatly cant have a serious picture taken of me. i can be serious at times but being serious sucks, life is to hard not to poke fun at it. ive been told i make peoples day when im around. maybe they were lying but even if they were, they at least made me feel good. im the kind of person that would do anything for anyone. im too nice at times, which gets me into more trouble than i need to be gettin into. there's way too much about me to list and i dont feel like doing it, youd just have to talk or hang out with me to find out more. im nice, i wont bite, unless you try to bite me and then ill lay you out!


My Interests

price is right, cadillacs, all kinds of music, bowling, drinking, bandaids, toilet paper, warm weather, my kittie, falling, burnouts, milk, 8track players, elvis, pool, socializing, belt buckles, concerts, people on rascals, trampolines, flashlight tag, feather comforters, pie, zombies, bubbles, being outside, building things, hot tubs, road trips, don mega, rockabillys, antique shops, trival pursuit, canada, hockey, aarp, relaxing, breaking stuff, you and your mother

I'd like to meet:

i would like to get the following people drunk...big bird, the fonz, mr t , elvis, chris farley, fazzy bear, conan obrien, burt renolds, the iron giant and the brave little toaster.................. I would like to get the following people ripped... bob barker, bob saget, dave chappelle, snoop dogg, the guy who played waldo faldo, jimmy carter, steven hawking, wilfurd bremley


oh man dont even get me started on music, i listen to anything and everything, i get down with mainly surf music, hip hop, classic rock, oldies, bluegrass and jazz. but i love live shows and enjoy anything as long as it isnt bon jovi, i will kick that guy right in the testicles if i ever meet him


mainly comedy movies, or thinkers, im game for anyhing. i havent seen star wars or ferris bullers day off, not that im against them but ive just never seen any of them


simpsons, family guy, southpark, seinfeld, that 70's show, dukes of hazzard, a-team, monster garage, rides, overhaulin, the muppet show, conan obrien, human giant, the daily show, adult swim


damn i havent read a book in a while, i gotta start doing that again.


The Awesome, Exceptional, Amazing, Great, Wonderful Survey With Interesting Questions!!
What do people call you?: willi, wilson, ill, dumbass
What color is your hair?: dark brown, boarderline black
Is it natural?: oh yeah baby
How is it styled right now?: under a hat
Do you have allergies?: at times
Do you have any other medical issues?: oh you bet, i got crohns disease, which is basically a lifelong ulser
Are you on medication for anything?: well that
What are you doing tomorrow?: working 12 hours
What are you doing this weekend?: going camping at iola car show
Do you have a job?: unfortunatly yes
What was the last thing you bought?: pot
How good is your eyesight?: good enough
What color is your mailbox?: who cares? its black
How many windows are in your room?: ummm 2... why?
What color are your bedroom walls?: frickin white! this is stupid
What color are your sheets?: green! you fucking dumb survey!
What color is the carpet?: tan... pretty damn exciting, definatly worth talking about
Do you stalk people?: what! fuck no! what a retarded question
Have you ever had a stalker?: actully yes
What was the last thing you ate?: a milio's sub
Is your handwriting neat or sloppy?: i think its neat
Are you a slob?: at times
What do you spend a lot of money on?: inflatable floating devices, antiques, cars and pot
How many pairs of shoes do you own?: i wear 2 but i have like 10
Do you sleep with the door open or closed?: closed, your asking way to personal of questions
Do you sleep with the closet doors open or closed?: i dont even fucking know! why do you care?
Who was better: N*Sync or Backstreet Boys?: they should both die
When was the last time you took a shower?: this morning
What does your mom do for a living?: school nurse
Where is your dad right now?: canada
Who is the prettiest person you know?: your mom
What are you listening to right now?: surf music
What does your favorite shirt look like?: i dont have a favorite i dont think
Do you read a lot?: yeah. not books, not that i dont want too just havent had time
Do you write a lot?: how do you do that
What's the biggest age difference between you and someone you've dated?: 3 years
What was your favorite thing to do when you were little?: hot wheels, food
Where were you born?: wisconsin rapids in an alley
Would you ever shave your head?: i dont know, maybe, if theres money involved
Do people tell you that you're attractive?: actully yes... usually from middle aged women
Do you wear a lot of makeup?: what kind of question is this!?
What time do you get up in the morning?: 20 mins before work
How long does it take you to get ready?: 10 mins including shower
Do you look a lot like people in your family?: i was adopted so im unaware
Are your parents still married?: nope
Do you owe anyone money?: yeah
Who?: american
What for?: new furniture
Do you kill bugs?: yeah
Are you afraid of the dark?: no
What are you afraid of?: any more questions on this survey
Who was the last person or people you hung out with?: a bunch of random people that just magically appeared in my living room
Where was the last place you went?: pdq
Do you have a cat?: i do indeed
Do you have a dog?: nope
What color is your underwear?: black
Do you like sports?: sure
Do you like art?: sure
Do you like math?: no
Do you like your school?: i have a school?
Are your parents strict?: im way to old for this survey
What time do you have to be home?: whenever the fuck i want
Do you watch TV a lot?: its on all the time but i really dont pay attention to it
What's your favorite movie?: its not out yet but the simpsons movie
Why did your last relationship fail?: aww thats a sad question with a long answer, i hate this question... next!
Do you have any pink clothing?: hell no
Do you wear a lot of black?: not ALOT
Are you tan?: tan enough
Piercings?: nah
Tattoos?: id have 3 of them
How tall are you?: 12' 1"
Would you ever ask someone out?: no thats digusting girls have cooties
Do you like the rain?: yeah! wet things kick ass
What are you wearing right now?: socks
Would you ever want to be famous?: i am famous
How did you get one of your scars?: to be honest i dont have any i can think of
Do you get in fights a lot?: no, not at all, im very peaceful
Have you ever had the chicken pox?: oh my yes
Do you get sick a lot?: yeah...
How many living things live in your house?: me, 2 guys, a cat, 2 lizards, a snake, and a salt water fish tank
Are you loud?: oh you bet!!!
What math are you in?: i just watch the count on sesame street
Do you save a lot of things that are importanit to you?: i try
Do you beliieve in fortunes from fortune cookies?: yeah but i shouldnt
Who was the last person you kissed?: shannon
Who was the last peron you hugged?: my mommy
Who was the last person you rode with in a car?: ben, yet another important question
Would you ever go bungee jumping?: ummmm... with enough peer pressure
Would you ever travel to a country without indoor plumbing?: oh hell yeah
Do you like people?: you bet!! people kick ass, unlike this bullshit survey, i feel sorry for anyone who read this
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