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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"I GOTTA COMMUNICATE" I just love to talk, debate, express, yak, converse, chatter, mention, banter, blather, chant, chaw, chin, gab, jaw, jazz, jive, lip, rap, small talk, tete-a-tete, tittle-tattle, twaddle and yakety-yak. Believe me, i can go on and on,.. but its gotta be great fun. Different locations [below] and a camera make me a happy commentator more often than not.
"THE PEOPLE AROUND ME..? If truth be known, most of my time is spent like the dear old drummer bloke in this Arctic Money's video [below]. My Swedish flatmate once told me that I'm like a Calvinist, I live to work. And while I sit here writing and drawing all day, grafting my hands red raw, people pass by and notice what is really going on. These folks I call friends. But like everything, there's always some crazy nutter eager to throw a chip at yer head who you can't really call a friend.
"THE REAL WORLD IS IMPORTANT TO ME" The New York Times once commented that "Welcome to Jamrock" released 2005 by Damian Marley [below] "is an early contender for song of the decade". A very agreeable proposal i think, when this perspective is taken: "In an age of throwaway media it is alway useful, valuable, refreshing and an honor to hear (and if possible create) realistic social commentry and not just candy media, narcissistic expression and noises of vanity".
"I'M A MAN OF ART" World, Popular, or Niche Culture is cool. Modernism, Classical, Abstraction or Surrealism is hot art. I like unique visual media such as this 1992 Spike Jonze music video below (directed for 'The Pharcyde'); everyone talks backwards to but it feels forwards, hey, it's all good to me...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Being a sucker for "l'Objet rétro", Toru Iwatani & co, the creator of Pacman, would be the right kind a crowd for me today. Read more about the pizza that inspired the game here . However, I have absolutely no desire in the slightest to play Pacman right now, I think maybe i have played it too many times already today. Instead here is a completely different retro game. Behold and gasp in the glory of 'Simon Says'.

My Blog

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