Who is That Eclectic Man?
Davide Meucci aka DAVEM nasce nel 1979 a Torino.
Le sue passioni: lo skate, la computer grafica, la musica, gli agnolotti di nonna Rosina nonché le donne che sanno mostrare fascino e stile decisamente insoliti.
Davem, da sempre sportivo appassionato, inizia la carriera musicale con il suono roboante del suo skate che ruota e salta sull'asfalto grigio delle strade torinesi. Approda ben presto sulla neve delle più silenziose e bianche montagne piemontesi, esibendosi in "tricks" sul suo snowboard. Notato dagli addetti ai lavori, viene avvicinato dalla Burton Italia e grazie alle sponsorizzazioni ricevute partecipa, per tre anni consecutivi, al circuito Coppa Italia. Con l'impegno e la tenacia che lo contraddistinguono, raggiunge buone posizioni in classifica e le sue immagini vengono pubblicate su diverse riviste di settore, ma a causa di alcuni infortuni è costretto ad interrompere l'attività agonistica.
Il suo entusiasmo e la costante ricerca verso nuove forme di comunicazione, lo inducono a cimentarsi nell' arte grafica e nella pittura prediligendo segni dalle forme essenziali, volutamente primitivi ed ispirati, talvolta, da un'esplorazione interiore tortuosa e fragile. In questo percorso intimo e personale i suoni dell’anima si fanno più intensi e la necessità di renderli vivi lo spinge a ricercare nuove sonorità . Si nutre di: jazz, blues, acid jazz, funk,trip hop. Inizia a comporre senza ispirarsi a nessun artista in particolare ed avvalendosi semplicemente del suo impeto, ironicamente definito dalla sua cerchia di amici: "Il Davem Credoâ€, espressione questa che sta ad indicare un genere “artistico-musicale†decisamente personale.
Art Design
Lavora per un un anno e mezzo come grafico in una nota azienda street-fashion torinese realizzando disegni da stampare sugli abiti. Si appassiona. Crea il suo brand “Davem LTD†che produce T-Shirt ricercatissime nei circuiti underground. Di recente, ha ricevuto un incarico (che lui confida essere ancora top secret) da una factory americana specializzata nella produzione di T-Shirt.
Nell' Agosto 2007 esce il primo disco di Davem dal titolo: “Karat n°30 “Believe" EP. L’etichetta è la parigina Karat Records (nota label francese che annovera artisti del calibro di: Ark, Cabanne, Skat, Chloe, Krikor, Dolibox e molti altri). Le 4 tracce inserite in "Believe" riscuotono il meritato successo con ottime recensioni su riviste del settore come DE:BUG. Viene pubblicizzato come “Heartily Recommended†nelle vetrine di Rotation, il negozio di dischi più importante della scena berlinese.
Nel Giugno 2008 esce il suo primo remix: “From Detroit To Mainz†di Keinzweriter (Force Inc, overdrive, overX, Klang,Archipel, Plex) uscita per la moderna etichetta tedesca Spontan Musik. Il progetto è originale, consite nel far remixare il brano da producer provenienti da diverse città del mondo. Ogni REMIX prende il nome della città di origine, quello di Davem è “From Turin To Mainz†10 remix in tutto, free download, che mettono a confronto il modo di interpretare la musica da parte di compositori con provenienza geografica e radici musicali differenti. Per info e download: HYPERLINK "http://www.spontan-musik.de" www.spontan-musik.de
Nel Settembre 2008 esce il secondo remix per la giovane label digitale milanese Exprezoo alla quale si è interessato anche Richie Howtin che ha suonato un suo pezzo allo Street Parade di Zurigo. La traccia in questione è "I'M NOT AFRAID" dei giovani produttori deep torinesi Alexxei N' Nig. ed è disponibile su www.beatport.com Nello stesso periodo il esce l'Ep "AUTUMN" per la label digitale tedesca SPONTAN MUSIK.
DJ Live Set
Le sue serate, tutte rigorosamente "Dj Live Set", sono incentrate sulla sperimentazione attraverso la campionatura del suono di oggetti, voci e strumenti musicali. Le sue creazioni sono intense, varie, dinamiche ed originali in quanto interamente composte da musica auto-prodotta. Uno stile non scontato ed allo stesso tempo godibile anche sulle scene delle dance floor più esigenti.
Per Live-Set booking & graphic works (loghi, illustrazioni, records-cover e altro) cliccate sul sito HYPERLINK "http://www.myspace.com/davemwork" www.myspace.com/davemwork
Testo&Impaginazione a cura di Dolce_mente
Davide Meucci, aka DAVEM, is born in Turin in 1979.
His passions are: skateboard, snowboard, graphic art, music, his granny Rosina’s agnolotti, charming and fanciful looking women.WHO IS THIS ECLECTIC MAN?
Davem, who has always been keen on sports, begins his music career with the rolling sound of his skate, that rolls and jumps on the grey roads of Turin.
Soon he comes with his snowboard to the silent and white mountains of Piedmont.
He has been noticed by Burton Italia (freestyle team) and, thanks to sponsorships, he takes part to the Pipe and Jump Italian Championship for three consecutive years.
Thanks to his perseverance and total commitment, he moves up the results board and his pictures are published on several sectorial magazines, but because of some accidents he has to leave the competitive sport.
His enthusiasm and the constant research of new ways of communication make him venture into graphic art and painting, preferring primitive and essential signs, sometimes inspired from a frail and tortuous inner exploration.
Soul sounds become deeper through this intimate and personal path, and a need for livening they up prompted him to research new sounds.
He grows up with jazz, blues, acid jazz, funk, trip hop, he starts to compose without inspiring to any particular artist , and using just its impulse, ironically defined “Davem’s belief†by his friends, expression which means a strongly personal artistic and music genre.
He works for one year and a half as graphic designer for a famous street-fashion brand in Turin, drawing pictures to be print on clothes. He warms up to this job and creates his own brand “Davem LTDâ€, which produces T-Shirts in great demand.
Recently he has been charged with creating T-Shirt by an American factory (he hopes it is still top-secret).
The first Davem’s record, called “Karat n° 30 Believe†has been released in August 2007 by the Karat Records(http://www.myspace.com/karatrecords), famous French label that includes artists as Ark, Cabanne, Sakt, Clhoe, Krikor, Dolibox and many others.
The 4 tracks of “Believe†meet with success and obtain excellent reviews on sectorial magazines as DE:BUG.
The record is advertised as “Heartily Recommended†in the coolest CD shop in Berlin, Rotation.
His first remix has been released in June 2008, it is the remix of the Keinzweiter’s piece “From Detroit to Mainzâ€, for the label Spontan Musik.
The project consists in making the piece be remixed by producers coming from different cities.
Each remix is named after the producer’s city, Davem’s remix is named “From Turin to Mainzâ€.
10 remixes (free download) which compare the way different musicians express music .
For info and download visit http://www.spontan-musik.de
Davem’s second remix has been released in September 2008 by the new label in Milan “Exprezooâ€, the track is “I’m not afraid†by the young producers from Turin Alexxei N’ Nig, and it is available on http://www.beatport.com
At the same time the EP “Autumn†has been released by the german digital label Spontan Musik, three enjoyable tracks on http://www.beatport.com
Davem’s music performance, always “Laptop live-set†focus on testing through sounds sampling on objects, voices and music instruments.
His live creations are dynamic, various and originals, because they are completely composed by self-produced music.
An unconventional style, which is appreciated also by the most hard to please dance floor scenes.He plays his music in the most important clubs of his city.
For Live-Set booking & graphic works(records cover,T-shirts concept,logo..) click http://www.myspace.com/davemwork
Myspace Editor
Pimp MySpace
DAVEM Karat n°30 “Believe" EP.August 07.
REVIEW from DE:BUG magazine:
I did not hear ever of Davem. Why also? Carat finds pretty often times someone, which fits perfectly in the label politics and seems nevertheless completely new. The four TRACKs participate sharp-edged, verschroben, shuffelnder House, but in a certain kind also very straight-line and kicken even honestly like a cardiac pacemaker, if the sounds play the violin out and exist Jazzgefussel. The B-side gives itself as a whole somewhat more rockiger, what does not come completely me so near, but nevertheless with Bravour by the own style filter one pulls.
DAVEM "AUTUMN"EP OUT NOW on Spontan-Musik(Germany).Available on WWW.BEATPORT.COM from 24/9/08!!!COVER ARTWORK by DAVEM.
spontanMusik newest import is DaveM from Italy, who made with his "Autumn EP" spontanMusik..s pushiest release up to now. 3 tracks full of artistically charm and cutting grooves which clear basssound unifies under the pressure of acid bleeps, detroit pads and alien speech snippets with the boisterous blasting kickdrum. This headstrong release is a guaranteed partyfun, when played at the right moment.
DAVEM REMIX of "FROM Detroit to MAINZ"of Keinzweiter.March 08.
Based on a simple fieldrecording sampled in the streets of Detroit, a bass- and a chordsample, keinzweiter made the track "from detroit to mainz" as a free bday giveaway for spontanmusik's first year. after many feedback he got the idea to give the audiotracks with the sounds to a couple of spontanmusik supporters. "from * to mainz" is the essence of the entire sound of spontanmusik created by many producers around.
from berlin to mainz (sven laux remix)
from perpignan to mainz (le k remix)
from paris to mainz (humeka remix)
from gonsenheim to mainz (just two ordinary people remix)
from wales to mainz (tom ellis remix)
from amsterdam to mainz (alexander jannink remix)
from quebec to mainz (sul.a remix)
from perpignan to mainz (nice remix)
from brooklyn to mainz (signal deluxe and big bully remix)
FROM TURIN TO MAINZ(davem remix)
from space to mainz (superlauncher remix)
Free download at www.spontan-musik.de
DAVEM REMIX of ALEXXEI&NIG "I'm not afraid"EP on EXPREZOO(MILAN).September 08.Available on www.beatport.com