M a j m o o n
is a Munich based band and plays instrumental music in combination with visual parts.
The band was initiated in Feb. 2003.
After few contributions on a local band compilations, the 1st album"Shimponauts Journey" (Nov. 2006 rats-n reavens) was out.
Since then Majmoon has played hundred of shows in: Germany, Holland, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegowina,France and shared the stage with great bands like: Karate (US), Gregor Samsa (US), Red Sparowes (US), Gone Bald (NL), Sed Non Satiata (FR), Daturah (GER), Kenzari's Middle Kata (GER); Razorblade jr. (NL), Boutros Bubba (NL), SDNMT(GER),Vuneny (BiH), Myself (FR) ,Transit (BE), Ansatz Der Machine (BE), L'asino(AT), Mandelbrot Set (CRO), Audrey (SWE), Colour Haze (DE), Don Caballero (US).....
Spring 2007: M a j m o o n did music for two documentary movies:
"H a l e l i"(Regie:Teresa Kuhn)
"J o s i p" (Regie:Pary El-Qalqili)
D i s c o g r a p h y:
KULT ZONE 5" (sampler) "Three Million Hits"
DIE RACHE DER ERHÖLUNGS SUCHENDEN" (Milchmannrec, sampler) "Olli s Rox On"
KULT ZONE 6": (sampler) "Of fast and slow movements in the city"
"DATH+NO-3"(Time as a color, tape sampler) "Autumn leaves"
12."BOMBING OF NEW YORK/12.BOMBARDIRANJE NJUJORKA"(sampler)Listen Loudest/Slusaj najglasnije,"Majmoon is close to the rain"........
"MEHR HERTZ FÃœR...(sampler)"Trumpet First"
KULT ZONE 7" (sampler) "As I Feel Now"
SUBKULTUR" (sampler) "Peachs Pit"
FINEST NOISE" (sampler) "Peachs Pit Exp!"
MAJMOON & PEACH PIT (Split CD "Guranje s Litice")Also available at;
-MOONLEE RECORDS (Cro./Slo.) - www.moonleerecords.com
-DIRTY OLD SHOP (Cro.) - www.dirtyoldempire.com
-DHPAK47 DISTRIBUTION (Cro.) - www.myspace.com/dhpak47
-LISTEN LOUDEST (Cro.) - www.myspace.com/slusajnajglasnije
-CIRCUMANALIS RECORDS (Cro.) - www.myspace.com/circumanalisrecords
-SURFER ROSA MUSIC SHOP (Cro.) -www.myspace.com/setofmandelbrot
-TROLIK (Cro.) - www.myspace.com/planetmusiczagreb
-RAZORBLADE JR. (NL.) - www.myspace.com/razorblade_jr
-WHO'S BRAIN (FR.) - www.whosbrain.free.fr
-CONSPIRACY (Belgium) - www.conspiracyrecords.com
-FRIEND OF MINE (Japan) - www.myspace.com/friendofminerecords
-INTERSTELLAR RECORDS (Austria) - www.interstellarrecords.at
-OPTIMAL RECORDS STORE MÃœNCHEN www.optimal-records.com
-TIME AS A COLOR REC.(D)www.myspace.com/timeasacolor