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Member Since: 2/11/2007
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Influences: "Asta e stilul meu, asta e viaţa mea...Voi veniţi noi în ea...Eu sunt omul care vă trăieşte muzica, sunt omul care crează din sunete cuvinte, sunt omul care călătoreşte veşnic atâta timp cât voi aveţi ceva de exprimat şi arătat"(Alflori Marius) Pace şi creativitate...Influente :))Hehehe...Pai a pornit influenta cu muzica electronica mai demult,dupa cateva party-uri Rhadoo,Internullo si Pagal,un fel de R.I.P zis de mine al inceputului muzical din Bucuresti,eu de aici am inceput cu muzica electronica,acum nu stiu fiecare de unde s-a influentat.Dupa au venit missiunile cu Carl Cox,Tiesto,Paul Oakenfold,Hernan Cattaneo...dupa din progressive la mine in cap in 2003 a aparut ibiza,conceptele de la Dc10,Circoloco,Amnesia,Space,Cafe Mambo,Bora Bora...De la Tenaglia pana la suntel foarte jos care a intors Romania pe-dos : Loco Dice,Villalobos,Luciano,Tania Vulcano,Pascal Feos,Magda,Richie Hawtin,Jose de Andrew Grant pentru o discutie interesanta si placuta...S-a mai mers si in paralel si la Lavelle,Meat Katie,Smokin Jo si ce placi mai avem eu stranse pe acasa,chiar daca muzica se schimba,oamenii care o fac tot tari raman,pe multi ii schimba doar drogul si alcoolul,dar muzica care o produc,tot euforica e pentru altii...Primul concert in viata mea a fost - Michael putin C&C si Mc Hummer si ce casete mai faceam rost...
Perceptia muzicala si atragerea pentru ea a inceput la 12-13 ani cu B.U.G Mafia,La Familia,Parazitii,Delikt,R.AC.L.A,Illegal,Brugner,Vexx,Pacha
Man,Marpha Hip Hop(era caseta parca albastra:D)... dupa urcat la rap-ul negru 2Pac,Ll Cool J,Jay-Z,Run Dmc,Snoop Dogg,Dr.Dre,Wu-Tang,Method Man,Redman,Fugees,DMX,Busta Rhymes...toata crema de atunci pana la Dialed People si alte nume grele ale undregroundului...Al 2-lea concert a fost Prodigy : care a fost al 2-lea inceput pentru muzica in general si pentru mine chiar...
Dupa a fost o liniste totala cu Bob Marley,si putina ragha...S-a urcat in paralel de la muzica neagra la muzica alba dar putin opusa : System of a Down.Rammstein,Gorillaz,Slipknot...pana la Placebo,Faithless,Fatboy Slim,The Verve...Saritura dupa asta a fost brusca nu am vrut sa mai aud nici o voce,doar sa o percep pe o linie melodica interminabila...Sper ca am scris cat am putut de bine,prin toate stil-urile in care m-am tot invartit in goana dupa muzica si distractie,oricum final pace pentru toate si pace pentru Faithless...In fiecare ma regasesc,prin trecerea timpului si a placerii muzicale,oricum sunt prea multe nume tari de scris si dasta am tot folosit cele 3 puncete...:D
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Cine vrea sa traduca in engleza sa traduca si sa ma anunte,momentan stau in Romania si chiar daca ma mut mai iau cativa prieteni cu mine sa vorbim tot in romana...:P:D...Influences ? Hehehe…Well it all started with eletro music long time ago, after some party’s with Rhadoo, Internullo and Pagal, some kind of R.I.P sad by me for the beginning of electro music in Bucharest, from here it all started for me, don’t know about the others . After that the Mission started with Carl Cox,Tiesto,Paul Oakenfold,Hernan Cattaneo…after progressive music the IBIZA made a role in 2003, the concepts from Dc10,Circoloco,Amnesia,Space,Cafe Mambo,Bora Bora...From Tenaglia to Suntel, the shit turn over Romania: Loco Dice,Villalobos,Luciano,Tania Vulcano,Pascal Feos,Magda,Richie Hawtin,Jose de Andrew Grant, for a pleasant conversation. In the mean time the youth went to Lavelle,Meat Katie,Smokin Jo and other shit that I had back home. It is not important that the music changes, the persons who do it still are good and tough, many are changed by drugs or alcohol, but the music they make is still euphoric for many. My first show was Michael Jackson…and a little C&C and Mc Hammer, played on tapes. The concept of music started when I was 12 or 13 with B.U.G Mafia,La Familia,Parazitii,Delikt,R.AC.L.A,Illegal,Brugner,Vexx,Pacha
Man,Marpha Hip Hop(a blue tape I think)…after went to black HipHop with 2Pac,Ll Cool J,Jay-Z,Run Dmc,Snoop Dogg,Dr.Dre,Wu-Tang,Method Man,Redman,Fugees,DMX,Busta Rhymes and all the “juice†until Dialed People and other hard names in HipHop. My second concert was Prodigy who was the second start for music and for me. After, a total silence with Bob Marley and ragha. We all went with black and white music in the same time but little differences. System of a Down. Rammstein, Gorillaz, Slipknot...until Placebo, Faithless, Fatboy Slim, The Verve...The jump after all this was sudden and I did not want to hear any voices, just to understand a unfinished musical line. I hope I write as good as I can with all the musical genes I’ve been through in the rush after music and fun, anyhow PEACE for all ant PEACE for faithless…in every genre I feel myself after the leaking of time…anyhow there are to many Heavy names to write so I use the “ … “ :D The shit will continue. For the moment I live in Romania and if I move, I will definitely take some friends with me, just to talk in Romanian. :P:D…English by Cap...
Type of Label: Indie