Sports, Drawing, Friends and Listening to Music of Course.
"Linkin Park", thier music is sick, Frank Gore, He's a BEAST mang! Go 49ers!!!I'LL SHOOT U AND SAY U FELL IN THE KITHCHEN!!!haha oh man, Rush Hour 2 is dope funny.
Saving Private Ryan, Grandma's Boy, 300, The Departed, Waiting, Harold and Kumar, Superbad, Jackass 1-2, Smokin' Aces, Inside Man, The Fountain, Blood Dimond, Rush Hour 1-3, Little Nicky, Remember The Titans, The Sandlot, Sin City, Accepted, Sunshine.
Smallville, Heroes, GREEK, UFC, Jericho, Jackass, ESPN, Supernatural, South Park, Avatar The Last Airbender, The Simpsons, Family Guy, what ever seems intresting at the time.
My uncle, My parents, My friends, The troops over sea, The people who help me everyday.