About Me
Lyrics I'm known as Öñê-§hð†.... I recently got married to the LOVE of my life, Dean, who is my better half in so many ways!!! (A few of my wedding shots are from blue rose photography, but most of them are shots taken by my new bro-in-law, Christian! Thnx Chris :-D) Born and raised in TX, moved to NM...if you're an old friend give me a shout-out! Love to hear from you. :) I'm bubbly, VeRy talkative... I love daisies and summer and I want to have babies :) ♥ ♥ What would I do without my biatch, Jen?! My best friend for almost 4 yrs AND COUNTING BABIE! I am currently delving (big word huh?:-D) into the musical aspect of my life, and am focusing mainly on writing music and singing... Hmmm...What do I LoVe?? Love to SiNg, love to DaNcE, Love to DeCoRaTe and CrEaTe... basically love anything CrEaTiVe!! LoVe My '03 R6-LoVe To RiDe! (My HuSbAnD's R1 makes me HoTT!) oh and i have a PhOnE attached to my hip-love to TeXt! My girls are my life outside of my husband...I LoVe my best friend JeN, who has been a major part of my life for at least the last 4 yrs ♥♥ i never used to think that i could find great girlfriends...but this last yr so many of my girls have proved me wrong! ThNx to JeN, Shauna-bear, sHeLeNe, MeLiSSa, and recently KT I have maintained a constant state of sanity! FiNaLLy I have to say that my HuBBiE, despite our issues or the "room for GroWtH" that we have is my WoRlD...w/o him i would be nothing at all ♥ Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com
My Blog
my AIM screen name is hotjoker96 - send me your jokes
i love a good laugh and funny or sexy guys if you have any good jokes or photosemail them to me at hotjoker96@hotjoker.info or at AIM my buddy name is "hotjoker96"
Posted by on Fri, 18 May 2007 03:14:00 GMT