My name is Oberyn.
I would know myself in all my parts:
First and foremost, I am a Dreamer.
I'm a Witch and Shaman-Priest of the Feri Tradition; trained and Empowered by Gabriel and initiated by Eldri Littlewolf, Dominic Elemirion, Cholla, Max, Elf of Elfwreck, Storm Faerywolf and Brian Dragon.
Having passed through the Gates of Night upon this mad Graal quest, I am Fae--cleft from the herd of ordinary awareness to walk the world a changling, dream-enchanted. I seek to shine as brightly as ever I can, a bearer of the Secret Fire. I tend to be quite mirthful, reverent and compassionate, albeit a bit macabre, and have a strong connection with trickster energy.
As a practitioner of the sorcerous arts, I engage in the black alchemy of self-gnosis, the reification of the Philosopher's Stone, which is the Witch's foundation and the door of divinity hidden deep within us. Along these lines I have interests in Zen and Vajrayana Buddhism, mystical Taoism, tantric yoga, and am also a Discordian and chaote.
Music and storytelling are the essence of my life. This is the work of the poet.
I find myself fascinated with the exploration of the fluid ladder of consciousness, and how these miriad dimensions of perception effect identity.
I'm also a student of critical theory and social psychology, with a focus in identity theory. In union with that, I'm very driven towards creating alternative community, counter-culture organizing and tribal networking. I have a very anarchic, holistic, radical world view.
I'm a 4w5 on the Enneagram, an iNFp on the Meyers-Briggs scale, as well as a double Sagittarius with a Taurus Moon and a Blue Resonant Storm of Mayan astrology. Suffice to say, I have a lot of energy and passion, and more than enough strange and dynamic interests to sate my inner visionary.
If you would enter Morlyland,
Become you like the human child,
with slurpy tongue and sticky hand
Blood-loving, hip and crazy-wild.
- from "The morlywort" by Victor Anderson
First there is a mountain,
then there is no mountain,
then there is.
- Zen koan
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