I like to sing, dance,acting, write songs, poetry, and screenplays
You are Foreplay
What kind of sex are you?
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Arty Kid
Whether you were a drama freak or an emo poet, you definitely were expressive and unique.
You're probably a little less weird these days - but even more talented!
Who Were You In High School?
R u attractive? by walker thiswayy
Smile Pretty
Eyes Mysterious
Hair Gorgeous
Body Got ne plans 2nite?
Charm What charm?!
Personality Hilarious
Well am i?? ohhh yeah!
Are You Clown,Kump or both
Clown and Krump
You dance both Clown and krump.You Enjoy the vibe of dancing.You Sometimes have problems in life and yu want 2 dance 2 let it go.Your the kind of person that has fun with Dancing.
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Ludacriss, 50 cent, and Destiny's Child. just to nane a few. .. width="425" height="350" .. .. .. width="300" height="80" ..
R&B, Hip-hop, and Gospel. Mostly R&B. But I can listien to a lil' bit of Rock .. width="425" height="350" .. Beyonce .. width="425" height="350" .. Kelly Rowland .. width="425" height="350" .. Michelle Williams
Diarey of a Mad Black Woman, Coming to America, just to name a few
Girlfriends, 106& park, Soul Food, Famaily Guy, just to name a few VOLTRON .. width="425" height="350" ..
Don't read much. but when i do, there are sex stories
Too many to name