gone but not forgotten!!
He'S mY bUtThEaD
♥Brandon and I started dating on November 5, 2006! When I met him, I wasnt for sure if we'd be right for one another or not. He was different for all the other guys I dated. But after talking to him for a few days, I realized that he wasn't so bad after all. He was just a guy trying to find his way in life and needing someone to be there with him. A guy who didn't have a family like mine that cared for him. Someone who struggled in life and needing the help of someone to make right decisions.
It's been almost 4mths now and we've had our HARD times, but we've made it through. In this short time of being together, we've went through sOoOo much!! But I believe it's only made our relationship that much stronger and made us that more willing to make it work. Ppl have put us down, tried to tear us apart and somehow, someway we've managed to overcome that. I love him soo much and I know that he's going to make me happy!♥
ThEy SaY tHaT mE lUv'N u WiLl HuRt Me, & ThEy SaY iT's A mAtTeR oF tImE b4 U bReAk My HeArt, bUt EvEn WhEn We'Re FaR aPaRt I aLwAyS fEeL tHaT uR wItH mE, i HoPe & PrAy AlMoSt EvErYdAy ThAt Ur LoVe NeVeR gOeS aWaY, cUz I cAnT sEe WhErE i'D bE wItHoUt Ur LoVe AlL oVeR mE, sO dOnT mAkE a FoOl oF mE, jUsT lOvE mE & sAy ThAt YoU wAnT mE, sAy ThAt YoU'lL nEvEr LeAvE mE, u GoTtA tElL mE tHaT u NeEd Me, DoN't LeT tHeM tAkE oUr LoVe AwAy!! ♥♥