Michelle profile picture


It's sort of a love story that takes place inside a pack of Camel cigarettes.

About Me

So, I grew up on a fruit farm in Perry Utah.....yes FRUIT...no cows to tip, no chickens getting their heads cut off, just fruit Which may explain my extreme pickiness with all the fruit that you can buy at the grocery store. I have an extremely rare talent of finding the perfect watermelon....odd, yes I know!

My Interests

photography. music. travel. coffee & cigarettes. coffee. cigarettes. trees. summer in the sun. road trips. sushi. sitting at the lake. camping. rockclimbing. fire. SLC. portland. driving down roads that I don't know where they go. live music. purple and red skittles. the first snowfall. my dog Ashley. cheap beer. sitting on my porch. the color teal. airplane rides. the sky. the beach. the ocean. the mountains. real haunted houses. old stuff. random useless trivia. solo dance parties. tequila. Patron. twilight. lightning storms. secret handshakes.

I'd like to meet:

Old friends, new friends, carnies, and/or circus freaks


nobody that you like...because that makes it harder for us to get along!


i like movies....


Not much TV


I have a 4 boxes of books, that are all mostly half read......I just bought Perks of Being a Wallflower, House of Leaves and REBOUGHT Jonathan Livingston Seagull.


This one time, (today) I got locked out of my apartment and was rescued by this awesome guy named Jason.....

My Blog


So i've found a new friend...TEQUILA! the only thing I'm wondering about -- is it really THAT bad to black out? I find it happening more often than not lately. Hmm..... Maybe i'm thinking too much. ...
Posted by Michelle on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 09:11:00 PST

I got a job! I got a job!

I got a job! It's like 3 blocks away from me and Kaydee's new place. i will be selling fish and chips and learning how to bartend and cook and all sorts of fun stuff. The people there seem SUPER co...
Posted by Michelle on Wed, 17 May 2006 01:39:00 PST

I definitely missed the booze

So, i started drinking again and now I realize that i did really like it at one time.  I think the 'binge drinking -numerous- different-liquors-in-a-short-period-of minutes' days threw me for a s...
Posted by Michelle on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 12:57:00 PST

I'm going to own a tire store when I grow up

So I went tubing on the Truckee last night with Nate and Tyler and Nicole.  Bats were attacking and I think I heard a bum bathing under the bridge. It was sweet!  
Posted by Michelle on Sun, 21 Aug 2005 10:16:00 PST