My interests...
Japan - history, culture, music... everything ^^
Ireland - history, culture, music... not everything ^^'
Ancient Egypt - history, culture, music (yeah rock 4000 years ago ^^v)
I like drawning sometimes. But I'm not too good in it ;)
And i love poetry (mostly polish) ^^
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J-Music (j-rock, j-pop, j-metal ;) )
Yup i love japanese music ;)
I like some European and American bands too: Evanescence, Flyleaf, Linkin Park, Korn, Nelly Furtado^^, stRangE-polish band.
Fav. group? Hmm... Sooo hard to choose ^^'
Well: Dir en grey, Duel Jewel, alice nine. , Gothika, Gram8Maria , Tak Matsumoto, Hide, PIERROT ... and more ;p
If You want to know more --
Don't have favourite.
I like adventure, comedy, romanse.
I hate watching horror's when I'm alone ^^
I love books so I read a lot.
But i can't choose my favourite writer.
Maybe Tolkien, or Jane Austen, or Christian Jacq... ^^
From some time i read only dictionaries (japanese-polish and polish-japanese) ^-^