Sophie profile picture


Yesterday is history -Tomorrow is a mystery - Today is a gift - It is called present.

About Me

ANIMAL! Dedicated to Bootsie!

Myspace Layouts at / Retro Circles - Image Hosting

My Interests

Love - Music - Sun - Cultures - Cities - Vegetarianism and good food - Wine and Spanish cava - Movies - Spain - Partying - Laughing - Sixties/seventies/eighties design and fashion - Buddhism - Mexico - Weird sounds - David Lynch - Psychologie - The art of enjoying life in a very different way - Travelling - The city of Antwerp - Taking a Sauna - Crimes and why they take place - Daydreaming - And Weird Dreams at Night - A good conversation - Chili Peppers and Hot Food - Singing - My son Senne and Melvin and my love Bootsie!


Arsenal / Beastie Boys / Beatles / Butsenzeller /Claw Boys Claw / Daan / DAAU / David Bowie / Dead Man Ray / dEUS / Duran Duran / Faith No More / Magnus / PJ Harvey / Queen (early years) / Radiohead / Scram C Baby / Soulwax / TC Matic / Think Of One / Wham! / Zita Swoon and so much more.... with a special dedication to Acid Jazz, Breaks, Surf Music, and music from the 80's.


David Lynch and Quentin Tarantino are the keywords. I would also like to thank P.T. Anderson for making a masterpiece like 'Magnolia' and Tom Barman because he created 'Anyway The Wind Blows'. Those 2 films also mean a lot to me.


Twin Peaks / The Office / Coupling / Het Eiland / In De Gloria and yeah... why not, because they're so funny and boyish: Top Gear. National Geographic, sometimes.


I'm too busy and distracted really.