Angelina Jolie, Not your grandmothers movie star profile picture

Angelina Jolie, Not your grandmothers movie star

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Which Angelina Jolie Movie Charecter Are You?
Lara Croft:You're Lara Croft from "TombRaider"! The sexy British TombRaider! You're more of the type of girl who plays with guns, not dolls. You like to kick ass and can take on any challenge!
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code How Obsessed Are You With Angelina Jolie?
Completley Obsessed:Congrats! You are 100% obsessed with Angelina! You know her every secret and meanings of her tattoos, she's displayed somehow in your room and on your computer and forever in your mind. Just dont get too crazy and stalk her!
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Are You A Worthy Fan Of Angelina Jolie?!?
You Kick Ass!!! You are a worthy fan of Angelina!!!!
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YOU'RE LISA!!! (From Girl, Interrupted)The sociopath - very rare and mostly men. :) You're charming, calculating, and all-around very powerful. You find it easy to control those around you as if you are the puppetmaster and the entire world your puppets. People love to be around you, as you're very exciting and volatile. While you may seem a bit insane at times, and rather heartless at others, you may be dark, but you're not really cold.
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You are Crazy Angelina.
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Which Girl Interrupted character are you?
Lisa Rowe
You are a sociopath, and take delight in that fact. You are a lifer at Claymore - someone that will most likely never be rehabilitated. You have a strange charisma that draws people in though, and you use it to your advantage. More than anything, you just want to be alive.

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