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About Me

Intro by Otti

My Interests


"Saló 120 dias en sodoma" Pasolini, "E la nave va", "Julietta degli spiriti","La Dolce vita".....FELLINI!!, "Bande à part", "A bout de souffle" Godard, Truffaut, Cassavetes, David Lynch, Samuel fuller, Aleksander Sokurov, Andrei tarkovsky, Francis Ford Coppola, akira Korosawa, Quentin Tarantino, "One Flew over the Cockoo's nest", "Once upon a time in the west" Sergio Leoni, "Citizen Kane Orson" Welles, "Sunset Blvad" Billy Wilder, Alfred hitchcock, Martin Scorsese, "Metropolis" "Testamento de Dr. Mabuse" Fritz lang," The kid" , "City lights" y"Mordern Times" Charles Chaplin, "Wild Strawberries" "Persona" "Fanny and Alexander" Bergman, "Dr. strangelove or: How i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb" and "barry Lyndon" "the shining" Stanley Kubrick, Buster Keaton, "Annie hall" Woody Allen,"Before Sunset" and "Waking life" Richard Linklater, "Die bitteren tränen der Petra Von Kant" Fassbinder, Wes Anderson, "Donnie darko", Wonh Kar Wai, Luis Malle ,Robert Bresson, "All about Eve", "Arizona dreams", "Paris texas" , "Lightning over water" and "Until the end of the world" Wim Wenders," Les amants du pont-neuf". Coen brothers, "Bufalo 66", "The Hunger", Michael Haneke, "Cabinet des Dr Caligari" "Nosferatu"(1922), "Lost in traslation", "High Art" Lisa cholodenko, Tim Burton,Yasujiro Ozu," Dolls", "Sonatine", "Kikujirô no natsu", "Zatôichi" Takeshi Kitano,"Arrebato" Ivan Zulueta,"Valerie", Michel Gondry, "Fando y Lis" and "El topo" Jodorosky, "Qui êtes-vous, Polly Maggoo?" William Klein, Jarmush, and more and more more


"El péndulo de foucault" Umberto eco,"Middlesex" jeffrey eugenides, "Tokio blues" Murakami, Will Self, "Tropic of cancer" henry miller,Norman Miller, Herman Hesse, "The stranger" Albert Camus, Philip K.Dick, "Neuromancer" William Gibson, Jeff Noon, H.P.Lovecraft, Martin amis, Gabriel García Marquez, "Alice in wonderland through the looking glass" Lewis Carroll, Isaac Asimov, Edgar Alan Poe, "Mi madre"Geroges Bataille, "Memorias de una cantante alemana" Wilhelmine Schroeder, David sedaris, Paul Auster,, Charles Bokowski.....and more