The Pick Up profile picture

The Pick Up

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

This years darkest comedy so far....
The Pick Up
The World is full of Pick Up Artists...
And they live among us. Go to any bar or club anywhere around the world and you will see them operating. These are the men who can lay any woman they desire. They have the tools, and know the routines to get women instantly attracted to them. From Openers, Negs, DHV’s, Time constraints, Takeaways and Kino, these men have a language and technique all of their own.
Meet Lucky.....
Lucky Seven is London’s greatest Pick Up Artists (P.U.A.). He and his wingmen are the kings of their game. There’s LadyKiller, smooth talker and spiritual guide to the group, Cocktail, eton educated internet millionaire, and GoldenBoy, arrogant and abrasive, but in love with life. Together they are the top of their field in the London Pick Up community.
Is Lucky out of luck?
And yet despite his charms, Lucky Seven is out of luck. He hasn’t brought a single date to Cocktails famous ‘Flavor of the Month’ Party in his swanky West End penthouse for two months now, and the community is starting to lose faith in their king. The boys arch enemy, the lecherous Leapfrog is stealing girls from them left right and center. Just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, Lucky games the girl of his dreams, but is she everything she appears to be?......
Penned by Jake Thornton & Hadrian Howard, this hilarious dark comedy takes us through the minds of Londons greatest PUA's and shows us how it all goes wrong.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Roles Available!!
Are you an actor? Many roles in this project are available! We are especially looking for gorgeous female actesses to play the parts of the many women that meet the boys on their travels. Feel free ot message us with details!
It needs a good soundtrack too...
We are also interested in hearing from any unsigned UK artists particularly if they specialize in club/dance music or smooth RnB. This is an excellent opportunity to be on the soundtrack for a great UK independant film.
Oh yeah, and funding....
Making a film aint cheap, so we're looking for investors for this awesome project. The film is commercially viable and a great opportunity to become involved in the British Indie film industry. We are aiming for a cinematic release, with goals of selling this film to the US market also. Please do get in touch with details.

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