Moose profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Just me and my mom...
Hi, my name is Moose. I live in Knoxville and share my life with my human, FOUR other dogs and FIVE cats - they all hog the bed. For those of you who don't know, my human found me in the Walgreen's parking lot when I was about 6 weeks old. I only weighed 8 pounds. Some kids were riding skateboards around me and I was very scared. Then this lady appeared out of nowhere. She looked down at me and said, "You're coming with me, kid." I was sick for a long time, and had to see the doctor just about every week for a few months. But I've been with that lady ever since, she's my mom. Now I have a good life.
When I'm not on back-yard squirrel patrol duty, I like to travel, hike, frequent the dog park, demolish tennis balls, take naps in mom's bed, bark at the mailman, and my favorite thing... GO SWIMMING!!
I live with my two German Shepherd sisters, Ruthie & Suma. My mom rescued Ruthie from the shelter in Murfreesboro, TN in May 2007. She's been with us almost two years and she's made a huge recovery. My mom also adopted Suma in Feb 08 from the shelter in Chatsworth, GA. Suma is such a fun sister and she wiggles her butt alot. Suma and Ruthie were both rescued the day they were to be euthanized, maybe that's why they are so bonded... or it could be that GSD bond they have. Regardless, it's okay... I don't get too jealous. I'm a pretty independent guy as long as I get to go swimming alot.
Here's Ruthie's shelter picture from May 2007 and our two year anniversary with her in May 2009:
And here's Suma's shelter picture from Feb 08 and 15 months later in May 2009:
Family photo, Oct 2007 (yes, we need to update this!)
VIDEO: The Story of the German Shepherd Dogs, Gracie & Ruth
VIDEO: Suma's Rescue
Our newest brother, Oliver:
MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

"The fate of animals is of greater importance to me than the fear of appearing ridiculous: it is indissolubly connected with the fate of men."--Emile Zola

My Blog

Help Stop Exotic Animal Hunting in Grainger Co, Tennessee

Please help in our efforts to stop exotic animal hunting in Grainger Co, TN. Starting 9/1/08, people will be able to pay the owner of "Clinch Mountain Hunting Adventures" to hunt on his property... sh...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 16:24:00 GMT

Rescue Me

Rescue me not only with your handsbut with your heart as well.I will respond to you.Rescue me not out of pitybut out of love.I will love you back.Rescue me not with self-righteousnessbut with compassi...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 20:35:00 GMT

The German Shepherds

My mom is driving to Murfreesboro, TN today to get these two dogs. Their death date is 6:00pm today, 5/18/07.No sure what we will do with them tonight if we don't make it back to Knoxville before our ...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 13:35:00 GMT

Gracie & Ruth: The Journey of the German Shepherd Rescue Dogs (A happy story)

A message from Moose's mom:   Last Thursday afternoon, on 5/17/07, I signed on to Moose's myspace page as I usually do to see what all our other animal friends are up to.  I glanced over ...
Posted by on Wed, 23 May 2007 13:17:00 GMT