I'm 5'10" tall, have fair hair, blue eyes and the usual two arms two legs one nose my own teeth, a brain and other stuff. I'm in a Hella Kool hipster band called The Glass Apples
Check us guys out! I'm easy going, hard working and focused, but i make sure i have a laugh in my time off, ha haa whoop. I'm polite, honest and trust worthy, and I have a mad sense of humour. I also work as an engineer and i have happy feet. I'm on a quest to bring back words and phrases like: Going out on the tiles to get sloshed or Trollied Sublime=Good Floozy/Hussy/Hoochie=lady Kool Hippster Kats Shindigs=Hella kool party Pipe down= please be quiet Swish/Swanky/Swarve = fancy/classy Keep on trucken = ? Thats a Doozy = Thats a good thing Scrumshush = Yummy Whatch yourself you little squert before i sock you one=behave or i'll punch you Jive = Bad I got dressed up to the nines = I am wearing my Sunday best Jeey Wizz = oh my goodness/gosh Mighty before every feeling expressed for example: Mighty glad, Mighty sad and Mighty bad.
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