Demon of the Sand profile picture

Demon of the Sand

I am here for Friends

About Me

"I don't give a dam what you people think of me, if I did, I'd probably go and hang myself. Yeah thats right, I do have desire. Its my future isn't it! I'll do things my way! My way god dammit!!"

I could go on and on about who I am, but I’ve decided that I no longer want to sell myself to you on the type of person who I think I am, or want to be. I am me, I have always been the way I am, and I will always be the way I am. The things I’ve seen, the people that I have known, and the thing I have experienced in my life, have constantly reinforced my state of being. I will never stop, and nothing can make me stop. So judge me if you dare. Everyone gets what they deserve in this life and I am living well.

Myspace Layout Maker v2.0

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


My Blog

perceptions, need vs want: random conscienceness stream

who I amwho I think I amwho I want to bewhat I wantwhat I needwhat I think I needwhat other people needwhat I think other people needwhat other people think I needwhat we needwhat I want for other peo...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Dec 2008 04:39:00 GMT


"dreaming a dream, in a dream, in a dream" this is the last night of my vacation from work, and actually my first vacation, since I began working about 17 months ago. Although somewhat unplanned, I di...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 01:45:00 GMT

worn out/ human weakness

why me? I ask again, and I think everyone asks sometimes in their lives I feel so very worn out... I work hard, I try to be nice and fair to everyone, and I always try to to the best I can at everythi...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Jul 2008 19:14:00 GMT

Self Realization

Its been a rough few days at work this week- the work itself has been drudgery, but now the end of it is in sight. But as I worked through it, I did get time to think a bit, other than thinking about ...
Posted by on Thu, 01 May 2008 19:39:00 GMT

Concepts of the Heart

Just a few ideas I’ve been considering lately centering round people’s hearts, love, and the value of a person. (inspired by the AMG anime series. Not quite sure whether I’m a s...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 07:35:00 GMT

The destiny of Keiichi Morisato

Divine Intervention. "Infinite space, it brings with so many different life forms, and in this space can also be found the source of all life, for this is where the cycle of life repeats itself, withi...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 19:26:00 GMT

my anime picks/awards

I suppose the number one reason for myself becoming an anime fanatic over the past year has to be an acquired loathing of network and cable television. Television shouldn't be pointless over-sexed dra...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 19:53:00 GMT

What would you do with a "Death Note"?

In the fictional anime universe that is "Death Note" exists the Death Note notebook, used to kill, left in the human realm by a Shinigami or 'god of death' with a simple set of rules, just to be found...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 19:31:00 GMT

The Virtuosity of Vash the Stampede; Compiled

"A choice between two things, a forked road, a cross road, where men given life must take. Whichever end they live on they lose something, Whichever end they live on they are unable to find happiness....
Posted by on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 00:18:00 GMT

New Years Blog 2; Year in Reflection

Last year I said the same thing. This holiday is meaningless; new years day could have been any day of the year, why they/we/whoever chose to set the beginning day of the year on a day that is icy col...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 19:26:00 GMT