I like movies, music, video games, some tv, Oingo Boingo, reading, theatre, funny cartoons, Grey's Anatomy, Harry Potter, anime, manga, having fun, RENT, Firefly, guitar, piano, dogs, drinking (socially), biology, going clubbing, RHPS midnight runs, Adult Swim, and PENGUINS!
My only rule: if you don't want to talk to me on a somewhat regular basis, than you will eventually be DELETED!I WANT TO MEET REAL PEOPLE! Drama and two-faced behavior pisses me off to no end. If you're up for an adventureous time escaping the mundane, then I'm the guy to talk to. ;)
RULE OF THUMB: If you can write its lyrics on paper and analyze it as poetry it is music. Country I'll admit is music, I just dont like it very much. =P Modern Rap, with the exception of a few artists, is garbage. I'll listen to pop, but Rockn' Roll is where it's at baby! (Just FYI, I LOVE OINGO BOINGO!) ..
Tim Burton (the cinematic genius), Mel Brooks, Kevin Smith, Ivan Reitman, and generally comedy, action, adventure, and comic movies. I'm usually open with whatever movie selection, just no "chick flix," depressing movies, or total let downs. I loves my classics. V for Vandetta is easily one of the best movies of 2006. Gotta love Ed Wood, even if Elfman didn't score the music. One of my favorite games is 'Scene it?'. In short, I AM A MOVIE NUT! (I will admit, I am not as good at Scene It? as Chris is)
Comedy Toons (Futurama/Simpsons/etc.), the old school Nickelodeon (1988-1996), GREY'S ANATOMY, sit coms (Friends and That 70's Show), BATTLESTAR GALLACTICA (new series on Sci-Fi), Firefly, and generally anything that's fun and interesting. Stuff I can watch with friends and laugh or enjoy altogether.
Dracula, 1984, Burmese Days, Paradise Lost, Murder on the Orient Express, Animal Farm, White Fang, The Call of the Wild, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, A Clockwork Orange, Waiting for Godot, Catch 22, the Catcher in the Rye, assorted plays including Neil Simon's The Odd Couple and Lost in Yonkers, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, King Lear, the Harry Potter Series, Napalm & Silly Putty, Brain Droppings, Skipping Christmas, the Runaway Jury, The Da Vinci Code, and Eats, Shoots & Leaves.Overall I'm usually interested in most literature, however I must reserve the right to loathe Jane Austen and James Joyce. THEIR BOOKS ARE HORRID CREATIONS!
My Dad, my Mom, Lowell Thomas, Tony Palma, Kathy Palma, my Nono and Nona, and my great grandmother.