Hi, I'm Bron! And I'm Jen (aka molly)! And we're just two normal girls trying to make some CHANGES. We believe in ourselves and our ability to be the best. There's just one thing stopping us -- our weight!!!! So what are we doing? Becoming perfect.
So. We're boiling up the cabbage, turning on the treadmill and pulling out the gladwrap. It's gonna be one hell of a ride baby, and it won't be the same without YOU!!!!!!
Check out our website at
anotherdayanotherdiet.com for regular updates and more info about how you can help us create a THINNER, BETTER, MORE BEAUTIFUL AUSTRALIA! Your support so far has been truly THINspirational.
Thanks so much to everyone who came, and to those of you who didn't... well... there's always next time... NOT! Check out the vid, see yourself there???
Oh my god guys, this is it! THE GRAND LAUNCH OF ANOTHER DAY ANOTHER DIET! Be there or be uninspired!
Check out our latest vid! This one is the funniest yet -- and the most THINSPIRATIONAL (we think...) XXX!
OMG! Yet ANOTHER new video teaser uploaded below. We think this video is a little more "dark", and shows a deeper, more human dimension our plight... GET INTO IT!!!! xxx!
OUR FIRST TEASER FROM SURFERS! Check it out now! A taste of what's to come.
"Let's begin at the beginning"! Check out our original promo vid!
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4