About Me
Pod imenom ''KUGA'' bend postoji od 2003. godine.
Tadasnji clanovi benda bili su:
Igor - Bass; Nemanja "Neli" - Gitara; Vanja - Bubnjevi; Ljiljak - Vokal; U ovoj postavi bend je odrzao prvi nastup u klubu ''HOLIDAY'' u julu 2003. godine i tom prilikom odsvirao nekoliko autorskih stvari.
Krajem 2003. godine iz benda odlaze Vanja i Igor. Tada se bendu prikljucuje novi bubnjar Dzoni. I pored nekoliko bezuspesnih pokusaja da bend pronadje novog basistu "KUGA" tokom cele 2004. godine biva koncertno aktivna ali bez bass gitariste.
Pocetkom 2005. godine bend konacno pronalazi basistu - Milosa i nedugo zatim nastupa kao jedna od predgrupa francuskom death metal sastavu "BLOODY SIGN".
Pocetkom 2006. godine bend napushta originalni gitarista Nemanja "Neli" Djordjevic, autor gitarskih deonica za neke od hitova benda: Primitivna Nacija, Najcrnje Noci, Time Has Come, Zloba...
Bend ne gubi vreme i ubrzo zatim postavi Ljiljak - Vokal, Dzoni - Bubnjevi, Milos - Bass pridruzuje se novi gitarista Marko "Slayer"
Nakon par meseci rada na novim pesmama: Nema Izlaza, Sile Zla, Debela Zena, Vecni Rat.. bend ponovo biva koncertno aktivan sa mnogim poznatim domacim bendovima, uglavnom po Beogradu i josh par gradova u Srbiji.
Pored ucesca na Mini Death Metal Festivalu sa brazilskim sastavom "OPHIOLATRY", domacim bendovima SACREMENTAL BLOOD, KRAMP, DAGGERSPAWN...
Svakako najznacajniji dogadjaj je koncert sa legendama nemacke i EX-YU scene, bendovima "TANKARD","BOMBARDER" i "M.A.D. GOYA"
Krajem 2006. godine bend konacno snima nesto malo ozbiljnije: LIVE DANGUBA DEMO.Grupa KUGA je svirala sa mnogim poznatim domacim bendovima ,kao sto su :HERETICAL GUILT, SACRAMENTAL BLOOD, IN COLD SILENCE ,NIBELUNG,KRAMP,BOMBARDER,AZAZEL,M.A.D. GOYA,NECROPOLIS,ANGUISH SUBLIME,NADIMAC, OSMI PUTNIK 2 ....
Tokom 2007. godine bend nastupa po klubovima u Beogradu, Novom sadu i Somboru. U leto 2007. godine Kuga ucestvuje na jednom od najvecih festivala u ovom delu Evrope, EXIT Festivalu. Spletom srecnih okolnosti bend nastupa pre nemackog benda U.D.O. (bivseg legendarnog pevaca grupe Accept).
Kuga trenutno uvezbava stari i radi na novom materijalu, koji bi u skorijoj buducnosti mogao da se nadje na prvom oficijalnom albumu grupe.
Sredinom 2008 bend snima promo pesmu ''Sile zla'' , a 10. 6 . 2008 u velikom klubu Akademije prosljava 5 godina postojanja benda. Na petogodisnjici je ucestvovalo nekoliko poznatih domacih bendova kao i specijalni gost ,jedan od pet najboljih ex - Yu gitarista ''LJubisa Racic - Formula 4'' sa svojim prepoznatljivim leopard kombinezonom. Krajev 2008 bend KUGA konacno ulazi u studio i pocinje snimanje svog prvog albuma, sa radnim nazivom ''Najcrnje noci'' , a zavrsetak snimanja planiran je za februar 2009.ENGLISH VERSION:Under the name 'KUGA' the band exists from year 2003., back than the members were:
Igor - Bass; Nemanja "Neli" - Guitar; Vanja - Drums; Ljiljak - Vocals;
With this lineup 'KUGA' had their first gig in a club called "HOLIDAY" (Belgrade) in July 2003.At the end of the year 2003. Vanja and Igor left the band, and Vanja was replaced with a new drummer Dzoni.
Along with few unsuccessful tries to find a new bass player, 'KUGA' performs without the bass during the whole year 2004.At the beginning of year 2005. the band finally finds the new bass player- Milos.
Shortly after, 'KUGA' performs as a support for Franch death metal band 'BLOODY SIGN'.At the beginning of year 2006. the original member Nemanja left the band and was replaced with a new guitar player Marko "Slayer".The new lineup:
Ljiljak - Vokals (the only original member), Dzoni - Drums, Milos- Bass and Marko "Slayer"- Guitars.After a few months working on new songs: Nema Izlaza, Sile Zla, Debela Zena, Vecni Rat.. Kuga performs with many Serbian bands, mostly in Belgrade and in few cities in the country.Along with taking part on a Mini Death Metal Feasival with Brazilian 'OPHIOLATRY', and Serbian bands: 'SACREMENTAL BLOOD', 'KRAMP', 'DAGGERSPAWN' ... the far most important event for 'KUGA' was sharing the stage with 'BOMBARDER', 'M.A.D. GOYA', and of course last but not the least: German Thrash metal legends 'TANKARD'!At the end of year 2006. 'KUGA' finally records something more serious: 'LIVE DANGUBA DEMO'.During the year 2007. the band plays in several clubs in Belgrade, Novi sad and Sombor.In the summer of 2007. 'KUGA' performs in one of the biggest festivals in South-Eastern Europe – THE EXIT FESTIVAL.
By good fortune the band performs right before the german band U.D.O. (the legendary former singer of the band 'ACCEPT').At present the band is rehearsing the "old stuff" and working on the new material, which could be found soon on their first official album.In June 2008. Kuga recorded a promo track ..Sile Zla.. (Force Of Evil), followed by their fifth anniversary and a concert in a famous rock n..roll club Akademija in Belgrade. At the anniversary a few very known Serbian bands took part with Kuga..s big friend and special guest – one of the five best guitar players in the ex-YU territory – Ljubisa Racic (Formula 4) from Germany.By the end of 2008. Kuga finally entered studio and started recording their first album ..Najcrnje noci.. (Blackest Nights). This album is planned to be out in February 2009!
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