YO! well my name is Celena McCray, i got two b-e-a-u-tiful twin sisters LOL everyone says we all look the same KD and TAnya, kd-whos running for fort lewis, tanya- at a kick ass school, awsome brother(s) who makes movies (dnt have pix of him he has a proflie of his obsessive self jk ♥), but check it out!and mah lovely parents who give nuthing but love. what more to ask for?.love my family,including the whole tree and this "devin the dude" haha who means a lot to me, whom soon 1 day beats the shit out of everyone on the golf course. lol Im from crown town-crownpoint, the lovely eastern agency (dont be jealous, it's ya'll that just dont know what to make of it). Im makin a livin in this small world, cont. my education to make a yearly income of millions later in life!I'm a down to earth gal, kid at heart, a proud young navajo woman, and like to be around ppl. talk to me and you'll be fine. k pce out! ♥ D&C jay-nice, pudgy, Dvn and ME. trying to make the ass. lol jk furture pres. 2010, much love for lovejoy. smile♥sunshine retro layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments