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About Me

This Explains me completly.wen yoyo wears a speedo, she must shave her oversized afro.Shed like to do a negro and the limbo (all at the same time)Yes, she is a weirdo.I bet yo wud love to blow thru a narrow pillow and jump out of a window.She has a slo tempo wen she does the tango and shed love to wear a poncho.She is a jumbo turbo hippo my yo and shes pro at singing the song wake me up befor u go-go.She looks like a ghetto gecko with a mango.So yo, lets turn up the stereo, bake sum sourdough, pronto,, go loco and dance together all nite to the sound of a banjo.♥By Jess

My Interests


Nick. Cause he is cooler then cool. n likes star fishes. i hope one day i will reach his level of coolness! And only a crazy bisexual webcam porn star gangster wouldnt think he was cool.