Music, history, politics, horseback riding, traveling, skiing, sleeping on beaches...
Crystal's engagement partyVegas VACATION!Old School GLG.
posing for the camera!
You know who you are...don't BUG me otherwise.
Arcade Fire, Keane, The Postal Service, Jimmy Eat World, Copeland, VHS or Beta, Death Cab for Cutie, The Gabe Dixon Band, The Tender Box, The Killers, Rush, U2, Tom Petty.Shout out to my darling Shane-o (who bugged me long enough to finally join) in The Minor Fall, and to Nick-y Bagz in MorrisonPoe.80’s tunes, U2, Hip-hop for all dancing drunk moments and lastly I love classical music (Vivaldi, Brahms, and Haydn)... width="425" height="350" ..
Ranked from brilliant to bubblegum: Apocalypse now, Reservoir Dogs, Good Fellas, Casino, The God Father, The Red Violin, Master and Commander, Legend of 1900, High Fidelity (John Cusack needs more recognition), Three Kings, Old School, Clerks, Napoleon Dynomite, Can't Buy Me Love, Someone Like You (when I discovered how HOT Hugh Jackman is), The Sweetest Thing, Pretty Woman, Breakfast Club, Chasing Amy -- Kevin Smith films.
The Office, Scrubs, Greys, 24 & Entourage
The Hot Zone, Richard Preston; The Devil in the White City, Erik Larson; Forever, Pete Hamil; Pillar's of the Earth, Ken Follet; The Human Stain, Philip Roth; Freakonomics, Levitt & Dubner
If this sounds generic, it should be; my parents are my heroes. They are diverse, educated, beautiful people who have always humbled me by their generosity, kindness and love towards strangers and humanity. My father taught me to be wiser beyond my years and brought me into a warm, loving and compassionate family; he gave me every opportunity I have had and continue to enjoy. Although he passed before his time, he left his mark on this planet and moved people to do the same. I strive to live up to a bar he set so high and the examples he set forth. My mother, who embodies these same beliefs, helps me be a better person, and never lets me fail. I have a profound respect for them.