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Im Carima ♥
and as much as i want a nickname, its never gonna happen. The glass is always half-full in my eyes, and procrastination is my middle name. i used to care about what people though of me, now i couldn't care less. hugs and hershey kisses make me happy, but in general i never stop smiling =).im loud and my laugh is obnoxious but youll get used to it. im puerto rican, french and german which means i never know what to fill out on bubble tests when it asks for nationality. my friends mean the world to me and i would do anything for them but get me mad and youll never meet a bigger bitch. im happiest when im dancing or watching football/baseball with my dad. Im daddy's little girl. I dont pretend to be anyone but myself and i will never change for anyone. im single and dont do relationships well, im determined to find someone who will change that.
this layout is from whateverlife.com!