mah babhie..!!! hahah!!! lol! cooking, swimming, playing badminton, cheerdancing, chatting... surfing d net.. making telebabad.. txtng... hmmn, oh yea.., chillin'out @ STARBUCKS@!!!!!!
frenzzz.... lots of frenzzzzzz!!!
acousticts... rnb... pop.. rock(juz a lil). soul.... senti every now n then...
legally blonde 1&2, LOTR trilogy, KiLL BiLL, MeAn GiRlz, pEtEr PaN!!! Harry PoTTeR!!! hmmn,,, WhaT A GiRL wANts!!!
tHat'S Soo RaVen, Lizzie McGuire, ChaRmEd, GilmOre Girlz, nEwly wEds!, punk'd.. the 0zbournEs...
tHe dEbuTante, mYsTic RivEr, DramA QuEEn, HaRRy P0TteR!
hmmn,, *think........