well one of me main interest is drama, thats both watching productions and being in them!!! i also enjoy goin out wid da girlies!!! ravin it up in twn :)!! havin a few drink ;)!! the kray!! meetin nw ppl, dying the barnet an getin it chopped :)!! scarfs, hats an funky accessories!!
Marilyn Monroe i lv her!!!! Freddie Mercury and i would have lv 2 hav gone to one of der concerts when he was still alive!!!! the legends that r chris brain and crawford frm shipwrecked 2006!!!!
anything really!
lord of the rings, harry potter, take the lead, dirty dancing, storm of the century (eventhough is freeks me out), lion king, beauty and the beast!
hollyoaks, shipwrecked, fireman sam, friends, skins, the OC! anything really!
pride and predjudice and a view from the bridge
all my lovley friends are my heroes, because they all help me in different ways :)!