Playing my five piece, shooting some disc, writing crap down, shredding the gnar (on all surfaces, and sometimes "the gnar" being a part of my anatomy), going to shows and throwing some elbows, driving my Car like i just stole it, keeping people guessing, whatever crosses my mind at random times and places.
the ones that make me laugh like a child again and those that give back what i give to them. those who listen to what's inside and when i'm not popular claim me with pride. the ones who will be HERE when THERE is the place and to all my doubts and fears give chase. the ones that race my heart in chest and demand from me, for me, the best. those who dream of our future now and remember where we got, and how. the ones who bring joy, love and fun and will be there when i finally go meet the One.
What is your way to ultimate happiness? (8 outcomes w.. new pix please read memo)
Friends. You are witty and fun, you love your friends and like to be around them cuz life is never bored with them, when you like something you get really defensive about it, like music, you are ready to do anything for your favourite singer, you love life as it comes.
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As I Lay Dying, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Mew,Reel Big Fish,311, Rise Against, Primus, Atreyu, Fallout Boy ( he sings like me, honest), Genitalica, Save Ferris, Armor for Sleep, Rancid, Jets To Brazil, Nural, Less Than Jake, The Used, Dream Theater, Molotov, Rush, killswitch Engage, Tenacious-D, anything that makes me feel like laughing, crying,living or dying. If i feel it inside me and not just in my ears it's worth my time.Information is not knowledge, Knowledge is not wisdom, Wisdom is not truth, Truth is not beauty, Beauty is not love, Love is not music and Music is THE BEST -Brian Swift
Monty Python, Tarantino, Spielberg, old De Palma. Scarface, Death To Smoochy, Schindlers List, Saving private Ryan, Fear and Loathing, Holy Grail, Casino, Swingers, American History-X, Office Space, Baseketball, Brazil, Naked Lunch, Happy Madison films, shit.....WAY too many to name 'em all.
everything on TV is replayed, reproduced, copied and re-made. does anybody have an original idea anymore? At least i have Adult Swim, Comedy Central and MXC!
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Gorge Luis Borges, Daniel Quinn, cliche' as it may be Poe. Also Whitman, Dickinson, and some other names i can't spell but absolutely am dumbfounded by their literature. music, outdoors and riding mags and of course, His words.
My Brother the Marine, my dad who found love again and my step mom who breathed new life into the guy. Also Pee Wee Herman. and last but in no way and to nothing in existance least...God. i gave up, he picked it up, i lost it, he found me, i thank him, he continues to give.