Mad Dog profile picture

Mad Dog

About Me

A frale nervous child who was often bullied, Mad-dog had gone through so much emotional pain between the ages of 5 and the present. he was raised in a town called North syracuse, from age 7. at the age of 5 Mad-dog was living in a place called tooter town homes in Liverpool new york, where he shared a Bedroom with his brother Evil-john. at that point it was the year 1992. Mad-dog's grandfather was in the hospital, and his parents stayed with his grandfather day and night. Evil-john looked over Mad-dog while their mother and father were away. Evil-john got him into watching Beavis and Butthead, and Hard and heavy videos. out growing that... Evil-john moved further a field and got Mad-dog listening to bands Like Slayer and antrax. That was the start of Mad-dogs life of death metal. in 1994. Mad-dog and his family moved to North syracuse n.y. where Mad-dog was starting 1st grade and getting beatings for being different and it got worse as the years went on. at age 10 Evil-john introduced Mad-dog to a BRUTAL death metalist named Shaun Luu. the 3 remained friends for 10 years listening to all sorts of bands together. at the age of 16, Mad-dog became popular in North syracuse junior high. where he was always getting into trouble. finally Mad-dog moved to Lyncourt and attended high school at Solvay... a prep school where the tormenting was at an all time high. luckily for Mad-dog he got a reduced sentance and got to skip his junior year. 12th grade was the final straw. Mad-dog wrote a strongly worded letter in the school newspaper exploiting the people who beat him up and so on. the next day he felt he needed protection, so he brought a box-cutter to school and got caught. Mad-dog was not harmed that day. but he had become a local celebrity and got away with it scott free. 2 months later, he graduated in 2006. Mad-dog then focused writing lyrics for his band Redknife. in 2007 he finished his 1st album "The ordained order". The first song Recorded on "The ordained order" was the first one Recorded in session. Mad-dog and Evil-john plugging their guitars into an amplifier. The sound of Redknife plugging in and begining again.....

Myspace Layouts at / Radiohead

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

HOT BITCHES, Radiohead, Akercocke, Hate Eternal, David Gilmour, Thom yorke, (from Radiohead) pornstars
Myspace Layouts :: Funny Videos :: Music Video Codes

My Blog


Here's another thing that's been pissin' me off.  There are a bunch of people who I request on myspace to be my friend. Most of em' either say set to private, or set to private, and you have to know t...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 14:49:00 GMT


Alot of people these days are choosing to wear purity rings, and chosing to be abtstenant. For those of you who are unfamilar with the term "abstenance", it means that you wait until you're married to...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 11:46:00 GMT

how fucking stupid can a person be?!

I've said it a million fucking times. I'm sick and tired of people sending me app invites. KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF!!! I'm not interested in anything you have to say, or what you're inviting me to. I've ...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Feb 2009 13:48:00 GMT

what ALL OF YOU have to understand

Dear myspace brothers and sisters, I get friend requests every single day from bands, women, and people who I knew years ago, and what I want everyone to understand is that I'm a prick. I've always be...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 07:21:00 GMT

"about me" part 2

After a year and a half of tireless hours writing lyrics for the band Red knife, Mad-Dog sensed a lack of enthusiasm from his bandmates. after a falling out with guitarist Masta -Mook, Masta-Mook walk...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 18:37:00 GMT

Masta-Mook's funniest moments and quotes

(when Mad-dog asks  him about Mcchickens from mcdonalds)    "chicken makes me shit." (Mad-dog pisses in the dark late at night.) (Mook comes out to pee as well) "watch your aim sailor" ...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 07:45:00 GMT