James & Anna profile picture

James & Anna


About Me

I got my layout at Cleanupmyspace.com

My Interests

Watching College Ball & enjoying my family

I'd like to meet:

Old Friends & Bob Stoops


All kinds value="http://www.msplinsks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vdeopp0NT1Rnu44rK HIcIRR7+qzyXN9SdH33Fb8JVndl95fAmATNq+vyaYHXG6eU5ZdTCrJ" /


Facing the giants , 300 , The kingdom , Apocolypto , I'am Legend, Nacho Libre


N.C.I.S , Lost , Ghost whisper , Moonlight , Numbers , Criminal Minds , Heroes


Reposition yourself ,


Jesus , The Apostle Stephen ( Acts 7 ) , Pastor's , Police Officers

My Blog

Whos got you covered ?

The Men's Dept. @ our church has started a book called " Wild at Heart ", I'm only a short way into the book but there are things that have really opened my eyes,that I have read in the book.One is th...
Posted by James & Anna on Thu, 08 May 2008 11:01:00 PST

Where I think technolgy has taken us

When I was young my dad worked for at&t & we had little extras with our phone sytem @ the house , not much but just a little more than the norm. Then I remember the first car phones & they...
Posted by James & Anna on Wed, 07 May 2008 10:58:00 PST

Running From God

Have you ever heard someone say (or maybe you have said it)" I was running from God ". I have come to realize what a funny statement that is. Think about how you could run from an omnipitent God,...
Posted by James & Anna on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 12:42:00 PST

Grace Has Called My Name

At our church we sing a song " Grace has called my name " in one of the verses it tells about words that are spoken that can hurt. I know in my life I have said words that have hurt & I 'm su...
Posted by James & Anna on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 12:15:00 PST