Music, Art, horseback riding, singing,and of cousre hanging out with my best friend and lover korey!!
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Id really like to meet Steve Vai..... Guitar genius...And Dream Theater!! They are the greatest progressive band in the world!! they kick a**!!
Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Dream Theater, Metallica, Mudvayne, Slipknot, Symphony X, Trivium, Floggin Molly,Shinedown.....i have more but i'll think of them later..
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Horror films, comedy's.....
Smallville and That 70's Show... ...
Edgar Allen Poe, Shakespear...ect....
The Green Arrow and of course my loving Fiance Korey....Hes my everything and he has given me hope and strength he is my true superman...and my english friend dave for showing me the sausage patty!!