BARBAROSSA UMTRUNK profile picture


About Me

This profile was edited with Editor
WARNING: We ARE NOT A POLITICAL BAND, we didn't promote any kind of political ideologies, our music is purely Occult & Esoteric!


At the begining of year 2007 Barbarossa Umtrunk was : Baron S and G.C. The themes and atmospheres were taking inspiration in Gibelism, Aristocratic Gnostiscism and Eschatologic mysticism of Indo-European Tradition. In November 2007, Barbarossa Umtrunk appears on the Post-Industrial Tribute to Marinetti " Parole In Liberta" for Creative Fields records with the track Futurus Ferrum and 6 months later they participates on "Free Tibet Free" Sampler with the song "The Path to Shambhala". The composition "Le Sang et le Sol" refearing to Walther Darre's doctrine was made for V.A "Heiliges Licht presents: Landwirdtschaft" in August 2008.

Then, the first full length album called "Regnum Sanctum" has been released on SkullLine in October 2008. This limited CD of 50 copies contains ten tracks between bombastic military industrial & antediluvians neo-classical soundscapes. In the same time, the band appears with the song "Les 7 tours du Diable" on the Compilation "Free Your Mind" ( a tribute to Zeitgeist movie) released also on SkullLine, and one month later was released on the SkullLine Sampler "In the Sign of the Runes" a previous track called Eldritch Germania based on a poem by Karl Maria Weisthor and taken from the second album ...

The seconp opus was released in January 2009 on SkullLine. This album called Glazialkosmogonie reveals a more ambient, frozen and meta-cosmic ritualistic touch on his compositions based upon Ahnenerbe theorys and NS Esoterism & Gnose. The two last works of Barbarossa Umtrunk in the year 2009 were Splits: The first one with Seuschensturm called "Thule Gesellschaft" was released on March 2009 and the second one with Kazeria called "72 Candles in Cairo (1904)" and based on Aleister Crowley Magick was released three months later in June 2009 with the collaboration of french esoterist writer Marc-Louis Questin. At the end of 2009 G.C have leaves the band...Actually Barbarossa Umtrunk is a one man's project working on his third full length called "Wehrwolf Dharma" and previous to be released on UFA Muzak at the End of 2009. A split with Front Sonore "Le Siècle des Grands Abattoirs" is also previous on SkullLine for the end of the year. So, Take Care!

In the year 2007, was also born the side project El-Iksîr Al-Âlam Al-Ghayb involving more on an Industrial Ambient Dub vibe whith concepts refearing to Sufism or Islamic Jihad and since 2008 G.C is working on his solo project called' Effets Secondaires.



Regnum Sanctum ( SkullLine, 2008.)

Glazialkosmogonie (SkullLine, 2009.)


Remix of the track Intro for the ltd edition of Westwind's Le Vent Divin ( Neuropa Records, 2005.)


Scontrum act V ( War Office Propaganda, 2005.)

Barbarossa Umtrunk/Seuchensturm: Thule Gesellschaft ( SkullLine, 2009.)

Barbarossa Umtrunk/Kazeria [KZ]: 72 Candles in Cairo ( SkullLine, 2009.)

Various Artists:

V.A.: War Office Propaganda Promo Sampler 2006 (WOP, 2006.)

V.A.: Brewery In Piotrkow Trybunalski ( Beast of Prey, 2006.)

V.A.: La Salamandre Une Compilation Vol. 2 ( Editions Eleusis, 2007.)

V.A.: Parole in Liberta, tribute to F.T Marinetti ( Creative Fields Records, 2007

V.A.: Free Tibet Free (dark-transmission, 2008.)

V.A.: A Japanese Crash Compilation (La Salamandre, June 2008.)

V.A.: Heiliges Licht presents: Landwirtschaft (Kaos-Ex-Machina netlabel , 2008.)

V.A.: Free Your Mind ( SkullLine, October 2008.)

V.A.: In the Sign of the Runes- Tribute to Guido Von List ( SkullLine, November 2008.)

V.A.: Tribute to the Dead Soldiers vol.1 ( La Caverne du Dragon, 2009.)

V.A.: La Salamandre Une Compilation Vol.4 ( Editions Eulesis, 2009.)

V.A.: French Collaboration ( La Caverne du Dragon, 2009.)

V.A.: Not Our World Alone ( Pavillon36 Recordings, 2009.)

V.A.: Tribute to the Dead Soldiers vol.2 ( La Caverne du Dragon, 2009.)

V.A.: Tales from the Grotesque and Arabesque: a Tribute to Edgar Allan Poe ( Quartier23/Notariqon, 2009.)

V.A.: New Aeons Symbols VI: Sex Magick ( Quartier23, 2009.)

"We are so situated, therefore at the time of gods last battle, we are the last combattants of the Sphere of Fire. MétaCosmic Soldiers of Venus junction, we are fighting with gods and for solar race of ours gods, up to their own fights and the teaching who emerge from our final rising is a military teaching, the counter-strategy itself of the great final change of earth and heaven, Total counter-strategy of Paravrtti.

Nous nous trouvons donc à l'heure du combat dernier des dieux, nous sommes les derniers combattants de la Sphère du Feu. Soldats métacosmiques de la jonction de Vénus, nous combattons avec les dieux et pour la race solaire des dieux qui sont nôtres, au niveau de leurs propres combats, et l'enseignement qui se dégage de nos ultimes élévations en cours est un enseignement militaire, la contre-stratégie même du grand changement final du monde et des cieux, la contre-stratégie totale de la Paravrtti."

Jean Parvulesco.

My Interests


Member Since: 09/02/2007
Band Website: Coming Soon...
Band Members: Baron Von S & fiends...






LJDLP, Allerseelen, Turbund Sturmwerk, Der Hegel, Sturmast, Toroidh, Ain Soph, Inade, Runes Order, Nine Inch Nails, 6th Comm, Burzum, ITN...

G.I Gurdjieff, René Guénon, Baron Julius Evola, Rudolf Von Sebottendorf, Raymond Abellio, Jean Parvulesco, Louis Pauwels, Guido Von List, Otto Rahn, Miguel Serrano, H.P.Blavatsky...
Sounds Like:
Record Label: SkullLine, UFA Muzak, Quartier23, Twilight records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

72 Candles in Cairo (1904) review in french on "Les Crateres de L'Hydre"

BARBAROSSA UMTRUNK / KAZERIA [KZ]C'est sous la personnalité emblématique et sulfureuse d'Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) que "72 Candles in Cairo" rayonne de tous ses feux mystiques, oeuvre partagée comm...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Oct 2009 03:52:00 GMT

72 Candles in Cairo(1904) review on Heathen Harvest

.72 Candles in Cairo (1904) review on Heathen Harvest by 0868901 Barbarossa Umtrunk - Astrum Argentum02 Barbarossa Umtrunk...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Oct 2009 03:49:00 GMT

Review of V/A French Collaboration by "Crateres de l'Hydre" webzine.

FRENCH COLLABORATION : Volume ILa Caverne du Dragon, 2009 [Téléchargement]Nouvelle compilation pour le Netlabel La Caverne du Dragon après les deux Volumes dédiés aux soldats de la Première Guerre mon...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Sep 2009 17:34:00 GMT

Review of V/A Tribute to the Dead Soldiers vol II on "Cratères de l'Hydre" webzine...

 TRIBUTE TO THE DEAD SOLDIERS (1914-1918), Vol.IILa Caverne du Dragon, 2009Suivant de près la parution du premier "Tribute To The Dead Soldiers (1914-1918)", ce second Volume s'articule également en d...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Sep 2009 17:31:00 GMT

"72 Candles in Cairo" review on Obliveon webzine

Dass Martial Industrial auch recht gut ohne WKI- und/oder WKII-Bezug respektive die altbekannten Samples ehemaliger NS-Grössen funktionieren kann beweisen Barbarossa Umtrunk hier auf der Split-CD mit ...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Sep 2009 05:02:00 GMT

"Thule Gesellschaft" review on Obliveon

CD-Review: Seuchensturm / Barbarossa Umtrunk - Thule Gesellschaft Humeur actuelle :  content SEUCHENSTURM / BARBAROSSA UMTRUNKTHULE GESELLSCHAFT ( min.)SKULLLINE / SKULLLINE Mit den Franzosen von Barb...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Sep 2009 04:57:00 GMT

Review of V.A: Tribute to the Dead Soldiers

[review) chronique francaise - TRIBUTE TO THE DEAD SOLDIERS (1914-1918), Vol.ILa Caverne du Dragon, 2009La Caverne du Dragon est un jeune Netl...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Jun 2009 14:20:00 GMT

Glazialkosmogonie review on Heathen Harvest

 Glazialkosmogonie's review by Jack the Ripper for Heathen Harvest:"Not so long ago the last esoteric Hitler theoretic died in Chile at age 92, he was Miguel Serrano. He represented the ultimate basti...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 11:42:00 GMT

V/A Free Your Mind! review on Obliveon

..Free Your Mind ist eine Zusammenstellung des Skullline-Labels, gewidmet dem Film Zeitgeist, der als kostenloser Download im Internet kursiert und sich neben Verschwörungstheorien zum Thema Septe...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 04:28:00 GMT

GlazialKosmogonie review on Obliveon webzine

..Glazial Kosmogenie ist das zweite Album von Barbarossa Umtrunk für Skullline und beschäftigt sich mit den esoterischen und okkulten Theorien solch umstrittener NS-Mystiker wie Karl Maria Weisthor, ...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 04:25:00 GMT