Hey everyone! My name's Ed Vivian (dumb second name lol), to my friends 'Ed', to a special few 'Ewar'. I'm currently doing my last few weeks at West Suffolk College studying I.T. Yes, it's as sexy and mysterious as it sounds, I mean only the other week, I actually passed a girl on the stairs!...
As I near the end of college, I find myself wondering what to do with my life. I've had a pretty shite time of it over the last year, and I've decided to go away for a VERY long time. I want to snowboard in Canada and France, surf in Oz, but the main thing I want to do is go to Japan. I'm going to save up all my pennies and head out there for a year, I just need to put some space between me and this place or I'm gonna go MENTAL!
Saying that, the only thing thats been keeping me going is my friends, I love every single one of them. Ella-chan, Rozie, Thom, Lindsey, Elliot, Chris and Lizzie, Matt, Chris W, Becky and Robbie to name a few. They have kept me on the straight and narrow for some time now, I don't think I'd be here without them. I really miss all my old friends from Thurston. I know people grow apart, but I don't think I'm ready to move on just yet. If you guys are reading this, get in contact, I miss you all so much.
My Angels:
You are my one and only babe. You have helped me through so much, I don't think I would be here without you. You are my guiding light through all my dark times.
I hope we stay best friends forever. I fucking love you with all my heart. I owe you my life many times over.
Rozie aka 'Mush'.
You always know how to make me smile. When I'm with you, I just seem to forget everything that's worrying me. We have so many memories together, and I hope we can make millions more.
I miss you so much. I love you so much. X
I new person in my life. But in the short time I've known her, she had changed me. She makes me want to be a better person. She's just incredible. And above all, she makes me smile. Which these days is a hard thing to do. For that Jess, I owe you so much. I love you. XxX
My main man. I don't see this guy as much as I should. But when I do see him, he makes me remember all the good times, like when we used to hang together in Thurston. Remember chillin' on New Green, with chocolate chip cookies, coke, and the latest PS2 magazine talking about the new Star Wars game? (Turned out to be shit).
Love you man. X
I LOVE HIM!!! He's my main man and we have adventures, kind of like Bill and Ted, but without the phone-booth..although we did end up in one once.
He's leaving for Turkey soon for 3 months and I'm gonna miss him so much. Drinks are on me when you get back man, and I'll raise a glass to my new found twin. X
I love this girl. We haven't known each other for long, but she's become one of my best friends. She is ALWAYS there for me, no matter what. She has been my shoulder to cry on more times than I can remember. See her nearly everyday. I cannot imagine life without her. X
I've known this girl for years, but only KNOWN her for the last few months. We are basically the same person, except one of us is a little bit hotter than the other ;p.
We have become so close. I feel honoured that she comes to me if she needs to talk to someone. I love her so much. She deserves all the happiness in the world. She's earned it. X
I've never met her. She lives in the states and we randomly got talking on msn and skype. There is an ocean between us and yet I feel like I've known her for years.
I wish that one day we can talk face to face instead of over a web-cam and shitty headphones, because I think we'd be so close. Love ya you sexy minx!!! X
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