On ThAt KaNye WeSt HyPe wiT the PoLo Fleece to THe JEsus Piece BuT I dO love Jerseys but I still Keep it Clean Though ( I clean up well when i have too). Like Cars like bikes WanTiNg And RiDiN On My Star-Fire or RoLLin In the BEAST, Like To Go BowLin, pratically like all music, like to go to the movies, like to kick it wit people: even though people i dont know, There isn't nothing Wrong wiT wantin To Know More People Life Is AlwaYs aBoUt MeeTin New People but i dont like people who talk shit people who be frontin and people who dont act fake or not themselves
Thats how it be this be me i cant change that
Add to My Profile | More VideosNathalie Kelley,Hayden Panettiere, Kate Beckinsale, Mayleen Ramey, Larisa Oleynik, SOPHIA BUSH (hell yeah!), Jenna Dewan (dang she can dance), Drew Sidora ,Jerilee Bonner, NAS (Illest of All time), and Kanye West foe show!!!!If I meeT atleast Two of these Eleven, my life will somewat complete but until then I WAnT To MeeT tHaT OnE PerSon WhO Can ChaNgE My LifE ForEvEr Or ThaT PrIncESS JaSiMiNe in My Life and I FOUND HER and IM HAPPY , but want to meet OG FriEnDs And MEeT NeW PeOpLe aNd KeEp In TouCh WiT My FrIeNdS AigHt and One MorE Thing:
I need me a love that's 'gon make my heart stop now
And what I need is simple, five foot two with dimples
Potential wife credentials
Know about the life I'm into, life I've been through
And how I had a trifilin mental
I WANNA MEET YOUuuuuu!!!!!!!
ThAt HiP HoP ThAt R-N-B ThaT RoCk thaT aLtErNaTivE ThAT PuNk ThAt STuFF ThAt IS CooL WiT ChU ItS COOL WiT ME I LIstEn To EvErYThIn
FUCKIN CLICK Ladder 49 SwaT Spider MAn 1 and 2 Infernal Affairs 1 2 and 3 Ong Bak Musou Warriors Drumline Love Dont cost a thing Honey LorD of the Rings all of them Scarface the last Samurai Carlitos Way BAller Blockin BarBerSHop PlayersClub TorQuE BiKerBoYZ FaSt AnD FuRioUS 1,2 and 3 but ya little on the soft side The NoteBooK haha that shit touched me shiettt Walk to Remember Nine Months sorry i like chick flicks sue me hehehe Anything that is coo at least it HaS a GooD StoRyLine and there has to be shooting a type of action or something on the sft side because you know people can get a little emotional HA
Smallville, Heroes, Super Natural, One Tree Hill, POWER RANGERS!!! (HAHAHa)
FOREVER and Art of War
Moms and DadS, HARV N PAUL, and of course my cousin Jan,she's grreaaat!