my personal notepad
....plus anger + rage + fear + adrenaline + color + drugs + music + art + science + (deviant sex?) + immorality? + speed + flesh + exploration + (disgust?) + (beauty?) = ...
more to be added?
inspiration and/or musings?
what could be the best patterns of thought that could lead to a specific happiness?
...to be exposed to....
Honeyed seal of soft affections
Tenderest pledge of future bliss
Dearest tie of young connections
Love's first snowdrop, virgin kiss
I'm a very open person. I'm open to anything and am willing to try anything once. I'd rather make my own judgments than take others blindly.
I like trying new things.
Libraries and museums are fun, and so is partying really really really hard. Negative consequences? I don't believe in em. They're just like the mythical Asian big wiener, they don't exist.
I like to experiment.
I think i have an unconscious obsession with the color red....
I like flea markets.
F.Y.I., I prefer to get all my energy and nutrients and minerals from the sun and the sun alone. NO WHERE ELSE!
I like un-synthetic food and food that once had natural constituent parts. I mostly like food thats organic. occasionally for something different i may deviate but I don't like too greasy, too sugary, food much. 'Most all fast-food is disgusting, that glistening grease that fast-food advertises as delicious(shudder, i once took my friends hamburger he was about to eat from Mcdonalds and easily split it in to due to the whole thing being soaked in grease) just grosses me out and makes me wanna puke.
I love fruit juices. Im really, really annoyed with soda. I don't like the carbonation and theres too much sugar. I love most tasty drinks that arent soda actually.
I cant stand things that are too fuckin lame. I cringe and wanna kill myself to escape it. I hate it THAT much.
I like fancy things. I'm a naturally fancy person. I even lift my pinky finger when i lift cups. Its jus- I cant help it. im naturally REALLY, REALLY fancy
I love learning! MMMM, it feels Sooo good! Its almost as good as SEX! (ughh, but it gets all over the keyboard :/ )
I'm definitely a night person. sometimes i get so hyperactive that i cant control myself and i start throwing trashcans and beating my chest and howling at females. During the day i hide out behind large rocks and buildings to prevent myself from getting skin cancer. Everything about the night gets me excited, especially during summer.
I love the human body! its absolutely AMAZING. every feature is beautiful and intensely interesting.
I love theoretical physics. Multiple universes and dimensions, time travel, black holes, science fiction becoming science reality, its just so shocking that these things exist and thats why its interesting to me.
I love nature and animals.
I LOVE DETAIL! I love minutia, but a lot of the time I focus on the unimportant shit rather than whats actually important. :/
"The universe is trying to kill us. Why else would it allow time to wash over us and erode us into oblivion" -qouth the Wise one