I am the evil and also better half of Ashley "Ash" J. Williams.I am the Deadite Lord of the Army of Darkness.
Evil Ash: Well, look who finally made it, and just in time.Ash: This is between you and me pal, let the girl go!Evil Ash: Oh no, this is between the three of us. Once the portal is opened, she'll be consumed by the dark ones, then the cross over will begin. As for you, your death will be my calling card. You see the prophecy is actually very important to them.Ash: Oh, you mean the prophecy where I kill you and stop the dark ones for coming over?Evil Ash: Semantics. Either way, we'll all be pleased to see you... dead!Ash: Oh yeah right! You think those things will make you some sort of god while I'm gone? I've got words for you pal, you're crazy!Evil Ash: Not crazy, just bad.Ash: Good, bad, I'm the Ash with the chainsaw. Buried at PhotoCasket.com Buried at PhotoCasket.com Buried at PhotoCasket.com..
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I'd like to meet:
All those who have died in battle and make them part of my new Dark Army! Buried at PhotoCasket.com
My Blog
I rule the world and I hate it now more than ever.
Nothing is good enough anymore!I thought ruling the world would be better than getting my plans foiled by that damned chosen one.Although I was warned by an acclomplice that this would happen.I did no... Posted by on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 20:44:00 GMT