LOVE traveling...driving through the city at night is BOMMMB...ViCTORiAs SECRETS scents are AMAZiNG..jerseys & tattoos are damn *SEXY*..
anyone with a mind and style of their own that's not afraid to use it.. NO superificalness & ignorance neccessary thanks..NONE
"For every dark nite..there's a brighter day.." -TUPAC
My best friend/boo/bodyguard =>
Ballin' Girls of '07
R&B sets me to sleep evry night.. couldn't be without it..John Legend is SOUL MUSIC. Tupac is 4ever..T.I. is king, & Jay Z's a legend already made...I LOVE HIP HOP with my life
those wit a passion to impact the world for the better & who's not afaird to try it...
you have ONE life..make the best of it