Hey Everybody.....
Well my name is laura if for some silly reason u dnt already know and im 18 years old! (Finally i can legally partay). I live in Alice Springs which is a lovely coastal island situated in the pacific ocean! lol (i wish)....Nyway i officially have the bestest friends anyone could eva ask for and i love them all soooooooooooo much! Hopes 4 tha future....Me nd my good mate courtney are travellin australia next year 4 a year and I SERIOUSLY CANNOT WAIT!!I love MUSIC!! I love to sing and play my guitar. I'v written a couple of songs of my own and im pretty proud of em (Thankyou to my beloved cailtin Brodie for helping me come out of my cardboard box):) My dream is to become a total hippie!!! haha just kiddin but seriously i want to be one so bad!
Another thing you should know about me....I am da biggest party animal eva! I love going out and meeting new people
* So mabey ul be lucky enough to meet me one weekend....chow gorgeous people! :)
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