-George W. Bush Jr. why? to beat his sorry redneck ass with the bible he stands on like a soapbox. -Stephen Harper Why? to pry his tongue out of Bush's ass and tell him that if he really wants to live in an american state he can go live in utah with the rest of these cousin fucking, right-wing, hate-mongering, capitalist parasites. Just kidding utah... your not all cousin fuckers !! would also like to meet: I would love to meet more people that have a fucking brain. Too many of us humans simply exist without questioning the environment and societies around us or we take answers that have already been accepted as legitimate by those before us who had power, influence, and economic or social advantage. I want to meet more people who want a new world that does not rely on superstition, ignorance, and tradition.Tradition: a long-established custom or belief, often one that has been handed down from generation to generation (Encarta Dictionary)A class system is tradition. Racism is tradition. Male dominance of women is a tradition. Child sex trafficking is a tradition. Homophobia is a tradition. Child labor is tradition…Fuck Tradition…table table table, div table table{ border-color:rgb(102,0,0); border-style:inset; border-width:12px; background-image:url(