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WELCOME TO THE SPOT..."Satori Life 4 I". RELAX, TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES AND CHILL 4 A MINUTE....I'M D'ARRIN, FOUNDER OF BAMBOO BROTHERS & SISTER (URBAN JUNGLE APPAREL). WE ARE A PEACE CONSCIOUS GROUP TRYING TO BRING ABOUT CHANGE IN OUR PRESENT DAY. WE ARE CALLING UPON YOU AND YOURS TO STAND UP IN THE FACE OF WRONG!!! SLAP A BROTHA ON THE HAND IF HE IS ABOUT TA DO SOMETHING STUPID. "WE ARE OUR BROTHA'S KEEPER" GET INVOLVED IN YOUR COMMUNITY. YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT THAT 40 ACRES AND A MULE..IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN. DONT ASK 4 A HAND OUT...GET A HAND UP. We practice Peace and Consciousness. WE ARE JOINING FORCES WITH "STOP THE VIOLENCE..USE YOUR TALENTS" MOVEMENT. "WE ARE RECRUITING SOLDIERS FOR PEACE"...NON-VIOLENCE YOUTH MOVEMENT. Join in with your community activists to bring an end to Youth Violence in your area. Contact the rep in your area to get your "One Love" & "SOLDIERS FOR PEACE" headgear, t-shirts and other items to let the world know you are for Peace, One Race and One love!!! (drop me a line for information about the rep in your area)...."ONLY THE FEW PROFIT FROM WAR...ALL PEOPLE PROFIT FROM PEACE!!" Proudly wear your One Love gear everywhere you go. "IF YOU DON'T STAND FOR SOMETHING...YOU WILL FALL FOR ANYTHING" Every time a camera is on or a picture is taken make sure YOU are sport'in Bamboo Brothas to let the Wolrd know your are for Peace and One Love. Satori Life 4 I. 1. Aimee- CT Representative 2. Sexy Diana- AZ Representative