*SaLone* Interllectual Conversations & LisTenIng 2 people's worthless excuses As 2 why they Believe Something (Please, Educate Yourself, Thanks)!* Fa$hion (EveryDay is a Fashion Show & The WorLd is my Runway)* DANCING* Writing (esp. Poetry--sooths the soul)* Sleeping* Being Random* Laughing* Relaxing* Temne CultTurE* True FrienDs* ObservinG PeopLe (The Human TenDenciEs) *Child Advocacy* Strawberries* The Moon* Facial Expressions* My Family* Ice Cream* Kissing :) *Being Inquisitive* Reasoning but NEVER giving In (what Can I say, I'm stubborn)* Makeup That make your eyes Pop* BRIGHT colors* Polos* Pumps* Sunrises* Art* Lions* ButterFlies* Voice-ActivaTed Systems (I know i'm Strange)* Teeth (ExcELLENT TeeTh)* Orchids* Indian Culture* Black Ink Pens* ProjecTors* ShooTing Stars* The ConcepT that a Human Being Can "surf" the net for Hours upon Hours that really amount 2 NothinG, Accomplishing NOTHING (WOW way 2 Dream BiG)!! MysTerieS* Dreams* Soccer* CartS* WatChinG PeopLe wasTe Their Time on Fad Diets & "treating" themselves 4 being Good by having a Double Chocolate Cake w/chocolate frosting & 3 scoops of ice-cream (HAH!! I Laugh @ U)* The Idea That PeopLe think They Look cute STepping Out in Public Looking like they just Woke Up or Got in a Fight w/a Cat (Get yourself TogetheR, Thanks)!! English LanguaGe (and y PeopLe can't Find BeTTer Ways 2 Describe how they Feel b/s throwing The 'F' bomb)* Power WindowS & SeatS* Car WashEs* PlaYing in The Rain* The FacT that PeopLe Trust, "Text 868 w/you & your Lovers Name to find Out if you're a Match Made in Heaven" to determine your ReLationaL status (Once Again, I LAUGH @ U)* BubbleS* Warm SmiLes* CookieS*
*FamiLy From Back Home That I have Yet 2 MeeT* Maya Angelou*
*African* Reggae* GosPeL* RnB/SouL* Jazz*
*Love n Basketball*BrownSugar*BLOOD DIAMOND*The Lion King*Totsi*SARAFINA*ALL The TyLer Perry Movies/Plays* Mama Jack*Amistad*Life Support*Pride & Prejudice*Happy Feet*
*The Hills* Project Runway* Cashmere Mafia* 'Da Kink in my Hair*
*Things Fall Apart* All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes* The Shirt off His Back* A Long Way Gone (Memoirs of a boy solider)* Boundaries*
My FamiLy (The VaLenTine Junior)