Member Since: 08/02/2007
Band Website: Your looking at it
Band Members: On these recordings Marti and I sing Epiphany Ray, Christine sings 'Best U Ever Had,Sasquatch, Love's Free , Aurora and Sunbury 72. Fi sings 'Some Of The Worst Crimes and Monique sings 'Shutterlife 'and 'Lewisham Love Nest '. Monique also co-wrote Sunbury 72 and Lewisham Love Nest with me. I wrote all the other songs here.
Jason plays drums on Best You Ever Had,Sasquatch,Revolution of the Mind, Aurora and Sunbury 72, Dan plays drums on Epiphany Ray and 'Some Of The Worst Crimes'. Andi plays drums on Lewisham Love Nest. I play Drums on 'Shutterlife' (excuse the slop) I also try to sing on 'Revoluton of the Mind' (nobody else wanted to sing that one ha ha)
I also play all the Key's , Guitars and Bass here.
Influences: Red wine and the occasional spliff
Sounds Like: cheap demo's
Record Label: Death To The Corporate Music Industry
Type of Label: Unsigned