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Drugs Can Produce Some Very Deep Moments Of Thought
Even When They Are Legal
Fear Of Loving
April 20, 2007
I..m afraid to love again,
I ask you to understand.
The only one I ever loved
Left my heart a barren land.
I..m afraid of fulfillment would alude me,
In a lifetime..does it ever come twice?
Anthing less would surely undo me,
I choose not to pay that price.
I..m afraid to again feel the pain,
That consumed me in the end.
I couldnt bear it this time,
As my unsuspecting heart did then.
I..m afraid to give my all---
..Tho you promise the same in return,
Love may again flee,
Like the "genie" from a magical urn.
And to give less than my all,
Would be unfair to you,
You deserve so much more,
A love dedicated and true.
I want to love again,
In the way I..m capable of,
I will not settle for less,
I yearn for abiding love.
At this moment I have nothing to hope for,
Nothing else to give...
I..ve been robbed of one of life..s treasures,
Its the main reason to live.
I am so vulnerable at this time,
I fear what my actions will be,
I will not make a decision
Until my heart is free.
I love you as a friend,
And I want to do what..s right,
Let me heal a while longer....
I..ll hasten, with all my might.
I need to be worthy of what you offer,
So there..s no loss... only gain.
I never want to cause anyone,
This kind of endless pain.
Please be patient with me,,,,,,,