I like to hang with laid back fun people
I LOVE music...all genres. It is one of my passions. I love country, jazz, mainstream, 80's and 90's, classical, movie and musical sountracks, acoustic. You name it I enjoy it all!!
Which Angelina Jolie are you? (now with PICTURES)
you are sarah "sway" wayward, gone in 60 seconds
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Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeI love all movies! I am a movie freak! My favorite thing to do though is watch a movie with another movie freak and analize every little bit of it. :)
Friends and Sex and the City. Thank good for Seasons on DVD!!
Fiction and Fantasy books!!I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Harry Potter series.....I know I'm a dork but I don't care!! They are the best books I have read!