My imaginary friend and I ask you all to donate money to aid us in our fight against the greatest disease that mankind has faced to date...thats right...THE KOOTIES! See me personally, I have met a cancer survivor, someone who survived Lupus...a man with Aids for 20 years...but never have I met anyone who has said...Those kooties had me down for a while but I am ok imaginary friend and I aint never met no KOOTIES know why? Cause they done up and lied to you in third grade about KOOTIES shots...look I check my immunization card...I had measles...I have mumps...even had some polio...but I aint never gotten no vaccination for KOOTIES....its no joke and it will take you safe...I really don..t know how KOOTIES is transmitted...thats the problem with the disease in general...the routes of transmission are still largely unknown but I think its safe to say its more likely than not u can catch it from some dirty skanky chick or some dirty mofo with dirty socks so if you encounter a skanky chick, you kick her down the stairs and u run for your life cause u may die if you dont do yourself...kick her for the kids...and if its a man kick him in his privates....dont hesitate...we are talking about KOOTIES... Blogs - Grilling my niece about her fur coat..... - Do the Hokey Pokey and turn you
See my interview with Niyah at IHOP about wearing fur..