Riikka profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Everyone makes mistakes, and some people are faster a fool than other. I have made many mistakes in my life, but I think it's no shame because I was always myself in these situations. I just can't change myself for any other person because I'm not making my mistakes in intention to hurt someone. It's always because I'm just doing everything in my life too emotionally. Most time in my life I'm not thinking about what I am doing. You know, everyone is his own person. Some people like me, some people don't and others try to talk about me, not knowing who I am. It's only my hope that most people try to draw his own picture of me before judging about who I am. The last category of these three please live your own life and just leave me alone, don't waste your time... It's also not in my interest to play a part in your life. Hell no! You're wondering why I wrote this down here? I just think that it is hard to describe other people, it is even harder to describe myself to other people. Everyone is feeling different about someone and because of that I am thinking that it's best trying to talk to many different people before acting wrong without knowing. I think you can understand somhow what I mean ;D. Thank you for your wasted or your interested time while reading this. So long... Riikka
Erinnerungen bauen Brücken zur Gegenwart
Erinnerungen an schöne alte Zeiten
Zeiten an die in in der Zukunft wart'
Ich Träumte damals von Weiten
Weiten die ich bezwingen wollte
Träumte vom Glück und Liebe in der Ferne
Doch nichts kam wie es sollte
Erloschen sind all die Sterne...
Heute sitz ich im Zimmer
Wünsche meine Kindheit wieder
Als meine Augen funkelten, und dies immer.
Naive Träume anstatt Heutige Klagelieder
(09.06.2008; Riikka)
Des Nachtes kaltes Lied erklingt
Von vergangenen Leiden singt
Der schwarze See spiegelt sanft und klar
die Lüge, die einmal Wahrheit war
"Voiko totuus unohtuu kesken yön
Kun muistissani kellot kaksitoista lyön"
Tief im Wald da liegt es begraben
Diese früheren bittersüßen Klagen
Klagen der Nächte, die oft genug passierten
doch niemanden richtig interessierten
"Vaikka mitäkin on tapahtunut
Sydämessä elämän toivo ei ole vieläkään sammunut"
(12.03.2008; Riikka)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Normally I'm not searching for people via Internet,
I am sorry.
But if you can impress me with something creative (means not this typical "hello, how r u"-sh**) try it. ;D
I speak finnish and german, english and a little bit french and spanish.
Hugs & Kisses

My Blog

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