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I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

My lil gemini babyjust to clear things up right off the bat, i love my undead warlock. if you're into WoW, you'll get it.. yay! well i'm open honest, and very bored.. i like to see things differently... i seriously don't think you're job defines who we are, so no, i wouldn't like fries with that.... hahahahahaha!!!! sorry, i'm a lil out there at times.. there's nothing like having a sense of humor... if you have a good one you can have fun at a ya, i'm just silly, i like odd weird people and things.. as of now i have no life out side the internet... boredom is going to be the death of me... aaahhhh!!!!!"someone feed the monkey while i dig in search of china white as dracula as i approach the bottom, so desperate and ravenous. i'm so weak and powerless over you." Myspace Layouts
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

friends, guys, and dolls.. people who are real, who don't follow normal patterns of life... people who are honest.. lots of people with a sense of humor... don't even try if you're boring... i'm tired of boring people.. i need entertainment, hehe..? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Click here to get Falling Objects ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

My Blog


Ok people, obviously there are some issues at hand here.. This is to all those bitches who keep leaving stupid little comments in my truthbox. I get it, you don't like me, well guess what, get the fuc...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Mar 2009 11:14:00 GMT

poor pittiful me, like always

OMG why can't people get lives of their own? i hate that meddling fuckin' bitches that have nothing better to do than run their mouths about people.. it's pathetic.. it seems that i am so damn popular...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 20:20:00 GMT

why can't things be simple

ok, so i've been told everything happens for a reason.. well what reason's could god possibly have fore putting me in the situation i'm in now.. i'm pregnant, i'm basically homeless sleeping on my sis...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 20:12:00 GMT

still feelin sorry for myself

i've made a decision,i'm not chasing people anymore... i'm the one who's suppose to be sought after, not the other way around.. i was always taught that the men pursue the women.. so when that stage i...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 16:03:00 GMT

the ride was fun,but now it's over :'(

i guess the old saying is true, all good things come to an end.. i guess i was to hopeful in this situation.. i thought maybe i found a conection with someone that i haven't had in a long time, but ap...
Posted by on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 15:49:00 GMT

i'm about to lose it!!

why does everything have to fall on me all at once? i'm pregnant, i've lost my husband,my old best friend, my new best friend, my house, and i'm about to lose all the other new friends i've made.. and...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 13:23:00 GMT

why me? why not, right?

.. .. so i've been won...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Jan 2009 22:09:00 GMT

i need some insanity of that temporary kind, oh i have that already!

ok, so here i go again with the ranting.. lol.. i'm so confused right now with all the things going on in my life.. i'm scared, i'm happy, i'm sad, i'm jealous, and i'm above all just plain confused.....
Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 23:02:00 GMT

people in your life

ok, so i've been thinking, and i know that's scary to most of you that know me, but any how, i've been thinking about how people in your life come and go randomly. my mom had a friend that told her th...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 03:08:00 GMT


ok, so i know ive said this over and over again, i stay completely confused all the time.. sometimes i get so overloaded with the whole trying to make decisions and being a grown up, that my brain jus...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 16:46:00 GMT